Moreover, she hid herself very well. Even people with deep inner strength might not be able to detect that she knew martial arts.

When she knew about the cancellation of the engagement, Zhiyun was particularly angry. She was satisfied with the young general because the young lady liked him.

So for the future son-in-law, she had a little good impression of the young general, of course, it was a good impression that had nothing to do with love.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be such a thing, and dared to cancel their young lady's engagement. It was simply too much.

At that time, the young lady was so angry that she fainted, but the emperor said that the imperial doctor was taking care of the young lady and asked him to go home and tell the master not to worry.

Zhiyun really wanted to stay in the palace to take care of the young lady, but she did not dare to disobey the emperor's order, so she could only come back obediently.

So Zhiyun did not know what happened in the palace.

She only knew that the young lady's mood changed a lot this time. The last time this happened was after the death of the marquis and when the lady was sick, the young lady seemed to have grown up overnight. No matter what she did, she was forbearing and restrained. Only when she mentioned the young general did she have a smile on her face that belonged to her age.

It's a pity that even the young general let her down. Why did her young lady, such a good person, have to go through all this! The more Zhiyun thought about it, the more distressed she felt.

However, it's better now than if the young lady didn't react at all, which would really scare her.

"Young lady, what should we do next?" Just now, the young lady asked her to cooperate in acting, and she had already cooperated. Of course, what she said about acting was actually true feelings, and what she said was what she really thought.

"Let's wait and see what happens."

Hua Xun didn't know whether it was out of guilt or some other reason, he fell into the water at a banquet, and then he had a high fever, which never subsided.

During this period, Wan Ge went to the Taoist temple to pray for blessings. It was said that he was praying for an old friend, and everyone guessed that it was for Hua Xun.

Although the two broke off the engagement, the princess's love for him did not diminish.

While Wan Ge was praying, a voice sounded in his ear: "It seems that you still miss him."

Wan Ge was a little surprised when he saw the other party appear. The other party actually appeared here with a bit of joy in his eyes.

"Are you so happy to see me?" Ye Chenzhou pulled the other party into his arms.

Wan Ge gently pushed the person away. Although she knew that there were no gods in this world, because this was not a fantasy world, there were no gods in this world except the Heavenly Dao. But it didn't feel good to be too close here.

"Of course I am happy. I am happier than anyone else to see Your Majesty."

"Humph! That's a nice thing to say. I heard that you came to pray for the young general? You are so obsessed with him?"

"Pray for him?" Wan Ge seemed to have a bit of amusement in his eyes, and then said to Ye Chenzhou: "Your Majesty might as well take a look."

Wan Ge hinted to the other party to look at the sign she prayed for.

Ye Chenzhou turned it over and found that the other party was praying for him. Wan Ge must not know that he was here, so she has been praying for herself.

"Didn't you say you were praying for an old friend?"

"What if I said I felt like I had known your Majesty for a long time?" Wan Ge looked at him again with a very serious expression.

"So your old friend is this old friend."

"Your Majesty can think so."

"I am beginning to doubt whether you were so angry and vomited blood in the hall because you liked him." Ye Chenzhou couldn't help but say this as he watched her speak so seriously.

The other party was too calm. Obviously everyone was saying that she loved him so much, but in fact Wan Ge's feelings for him didn't seem to be what others thought.

She changed too quickly. To be precise, she seemed to accept reality too quickly and started to please herself so quickly.

Ye Chenzhou knew her current situation and understood that for him, he was her best choice now.

It was just that when she was full of him, he doubted her sincerity to him. If he was really pretending, then he was pretending too well, and even she didn't see it.

But if she wasn't pretending... Ye Chenzhou's heart would beat especially fast whenever he thought of this. What if she really wasn't pretending... What if he really liked him? Ye Chenzhou couldn't imagine how happy he would be.

"What if I really didn't like him, and I had completely given up on him since he brought another woman back?"


Wan Ge said slowly: "You also know that he and I have been childhood sweethearts, and the late emperor granted us a marriage a long time ago, so I had no choice but to marry him, so naturally I cared about him a little.

But now? He brought back a woman casually and wanted to break off the engagement with me on the spot, without caring about the face of both families."

No matter what, he should have decided to break off the engagement after discussing with the two families, butThe other party didn't do that, but directly broke off the engagement, and in front of all the civil and military officials, he wanted to break off the engagement with her with a woman. How would she save face?

Anyway, he has become a joke, so he can't think of having an easy life. Once the label of being unfaithful is attached, he can't get rid of it.

"So you are just angry, not in love with him?"

"What else?" Wan Ge smiled again, looking at Ye Chenzhou in front of her with her beautiful eyes, and continued to speak seriously: "I only like your majesty, from the moment your majesty stood on the tower and looked down."

In fact, Wan Ge also saw the emperor standing on the tower that day. After all, the other party's status was so high that there must be many people who noticed him, and Wan Ge was naturally one of them.

It's just that she didn't see it clearly, but she guessed that the other party was her lover at that time, so it was right for her to answer like this.

"You really are..." Ye Chenzhou felt his heartbeat so fast, he really wanted to marry her back quickly.

Ye Chenzhou looked at the other party's puzzled eyes and coughed lightly, then asked her back: "What are you going to do now?"

"He made me lose face, so I will naturally retaliate. Now it's not enough."

"So fierce! So vengeful?" Ye Chenzhou scratched her nose, and his words seemed to say that she was stingy, but his tone did not mean that.

"Yes, I do hold a grudge, so Your Majesty, please don't let me down."

"You are really bold, and you dare to say such words to me." Ye Chenzhou shook his head helplessly, but his eyes were particularly doting.

Wan Ge seemed to be indifferent and didn't take this matter to heart.

But he didn't tell Ye Chenzhou why he retaliated against Hua Xun so cruelly.

Of course, it's not just that the other party tore up the engagement. The other party not only let down a woman, but more importantly, he colluded with the enemy and betrayed the country. Since their country was established, it has obviously improved the lives of many people.

During Ye Chenzhou's reign, nothing bad happened. The country was peaceful and prosperous. It was originally peaceful.

If Ye Chenzhou was a tyrant, the people were living in dire straits, and Hua Xun might have earned a good reputation by doing so.

But Ye Chenzhou did not do anything bad to the people. The country, which was already becoming more and more prosperous, changed a lot of things for the better after he came to power.

Maybe some of the aristocratic families were weakened, but they could still bear it, and the aristocratic families of this era were not excessive.

Therefore, Ye Chenzhou could tolerate them.

In this case, Hua Xun was obviously a traitor who abandoned his motherland for a woman. Of course, Wan Ge would not count such a person.

And this was not just her own idea, but also the wish of the original owner.

Although the original owner really liked Hua Xun at the beginning, coupled with the manipulation of the plot, she was particularly unfriendly to Yan Xiao.

But she never thought that Yan Xiao was a spy from the enemy country, let alone Hua Xun would be a traitor.

The reason why the original owner's father became the Marquis of Loyalty and Bravery and died on the battlefield was because he loved his motherland deeply and was willing to contribute to the country, not just for his own future.

Before his father, their family was also a noble family, and they were also famous in the capital, with no shortage of gold and silver, let alone a future.

Moreover, the Marquis of Loyalty and Bravery was originally a complete literary and military strategy. The original owner's grandfather originally wanted him to avoid the battlefield by studying literature, but he went to the border with his heart to serve the motherland.

Unfortunately, he trusted others wrongly, and his best friend betrayed him for his future, causing him to die on the border.

At that time, everyone thought that he was just temporarily defeated, so he sacrificed. Later, the first emperor investigated and found that the Marquis of Loyalty and Bravery was betrayed.

The person who betrayed the original owner's father had been confiscated and beheaded. At that time, it was the first emperor who arranged the two together, so that they became friends and went to war together. That's why the first emperor felt so guilty about the original owner, so he gave her the title of Princess.

Because of his father's influence, after the original owner learned about those things after his death, he also had an idea in his heart to take revenge on Hua Xun.

Enemies are hateful, but what is more hateful is the traitor, the spy, the lackey, the person who will do anything to achieve his goal and betray his motherland.

"Do you need me to do something?" Ye Chenzhou looked at the woman in front of him and asked again. He still hoped that he could be of some use.

Wan Ge shook his head and said, "Some things you just need to not think too much and not be jealous."

"Why do you think I will be jealous, huh?"

Wan Ge slowly said again: "If your majesty is not jealous, you should not be here now."

The other party appeared here is notBecause of the rumors outside, he must have heard those rumors, and he must be unhappy, so he came here to find me.

Ye Chenzhou coughed lightly, and didn't expect that his thoughts were exposed directly. He had to say that it was true.

The reason why I appeared here was that I was jealous of the rumors.

"It's getting late, let's go down the mountain."

"Okay." Ye Chenzhou took him away from the Taoist temple.

Ye Chenzhou sent her home, and within two days, he received the imperial decree of the Queen Mother inviting her to stay in the palace for a few days.

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