That means there are large beasts in the forest, and Wan Ge may have met with an accident.

More importantly, besides Wan Ge, His Majesty is also missing. What if something happens to His Majesty, what should they do?

After Hua Xun learned about the speculation of beasts, he felt disappointed again.

Originally, when he saw the broken wood, he was still praying that Wan Ge was fine, but after knowing about the beasts, his uneasiness increased.

They searched until midnight, but still couldn't find anyone. Moreover, the fog in the forest was quite thick, and the road was not clear. If they continued to search, it might be dangerous, but the emperor was missing, so they had to search.

When a group of people were searching, they suddenly heard a noise, and the next second all the bows and arrows were pointed in the direction of the sound.

Then they saw Zhiyun coming out of the bushes. Zhiyun's clothes had some scratches, and her hair was a little messy. It was obvious that she had been searching for a long time, and her eyes were a little swollen. She should be worried about Wan Ge.

"I know you. You are the maid next to the princess. How are you now? Is there any news about the princess?" One of the guards asked.

Zhiyun shook her head and looked at Huaxun not far away, with a particularly sad face.

Huaxun didn't dare to look directly at Zhiyun, and subconsciously lowered her head with shame on her face.

He was sorry for Wan Ge. He didn't expect that he had broken off the engagement with her, but she would still risk her life for him. If something really happened to her, how would he deal with it? How could he be worthy of her?

At this time, the howling of wolves came from not far away. They had discovered that there were wolves in the forest a long time ago, but perhaps there were more than wolves.

Because the fog was too thick, Ye Chenzhou couldn't see the direction clearly, and stumbled to a cave by mistake, but felt that there was danger around him.

Soon, he saw green eyes appearing in the fog.

Just when Ye Chenzhou clenched the sword in his hand, a familiar voice sounded: "Don't fight, don't fight."

Then Ye Chenzhou saw a familiar figure appear in front of him.

The moment he saw Wan Ge, Ye Chenzhou finally breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately stepped forward to hug her, but he also drew out his sword. He was still a little worried about these wolves.

Wan Ge also felt the defensiveness of the person holding her, patted his back gently, and said to him: "Don't worry, it's okay, they are all my friends."


Wan Ge told Ye Chenzhou that she had actually learned how to imitate the language of animals before, so she could communicate with animals, especially wolves. Wan Ge learned this skill from her mother.

Ye Chenzhou seemed to remember the identity of Wan Ge and her mother, so he was not surprised by this situation.

Wan Ge's mother was the legitimate daughter of the old master, but because the concubine was jealous of the mistress, she replaced the mistress's child and threw the mistress's child into the wild.

This matter was exposed later. Just when the old master thought his daughter was dead, a wolf child appeared.

It was the young Marquis Zhongyong who captured the woman because she looked too much like the wife of the old master, and because it was the same mountain where the old master's legitimate daughter was abandoned, so people guessed that she was the old master's daughter, and later found out that she was indeed the old master's daughter.

But such a legitimate daughter gave the old master a headache, and at this time, Marquis Zhongyong took the initiative to take care of her.

The old master thought that the other party had trained wolves in the frontier, and it might be useful, so he agreed.

And they also developed feelings for each other during their long-term companionship. Later, the wife of Marquis Zhongyong was no different from a normal woman, but because she had lived in the forest since she was a child, she knew a lot of animals, especially wolves.

It was also because of the habits of wolves that after Marquis Zhongyong died, she was like the wolves of the wolf clan, and would never remarry after the death of her partner, and she followed him not long after.

"I heard you were shot by an arrow? How are you now?"

Wan Ge shook her head with a smile: "Don't worry, it's not fake, and I came down because I was sure I wouldn't get hurt. I just didn't expect that it was Your Majesty who came to find me, so please do me a favor tomorrow."

Ye Chenzhou heard her words, and his tone became more dissatisfied: "You didn't even discuss such a big thing with me, you don't know how worried I was when I heard that you were in trouble."

Wan Ge also seemed to realize that she really scared the other party, and hurriedly said: "It's my fault, it won't be like this in the future, don't worry, Your Majesty."

"You'd better be, otherwise I won't forgive you."

Although Ye Chenzhou said this, he didn't expect such a high cliff, and he was still very worried about Wan Ge: "Are you really not injured? Such a high cliff..."

Wan Ge shook her head, and then quietly told Ye Chenzhou that she had learned martial arts from her father when she was young. But later her father felt that sheFor a girl, and his only child, it would be better for her not to continue learning martial arts.

It might be safer to stay in the imperial capital, so she hid the fact that she knew martial arts, and she also obeyed her father and became a rich lady.

Before sunrise, Ye Chenzhou looked at Wan Ge who was sleeping peacefully against him. She was really not afraid of these wolves at all.

Ye Chenzhou also felt that this experience was somewhat strange. In the past, he was extremely wary of wolves, but he didn't expect that there would be a day when he would be protected by wolves.

Wan Ge also found that it was dawn, so she started to clean herself up.

Ye Chenzhou watched the other party tear his dress directly, and then he didn't know what he did. His face and body were stained red, as if he was seriously injured.

Then he saw him take out the powder box and pat his face a few times, and his face and lips turned pale instantly.

Wan Ge held out her hand to Ye Chenzhou: "The rest of the scenes will be left to your majesty."

Although Ye Chenzhou didn't know her ultimate goal, he already knew her idea, so he cooperated with her and picked the person up.

His face also looked a little anxious. Holding the person in his arms, he quickened his pace and walked towards the road leading to the cliff.

Not long after they came out, they saw the people who came to find them.

The others were relieved to see your majesty, and then saw your majesty, directly used light skills to quickly go up, and then rode back to the camp quickly on horseback.

However, they just saw the extremely weak and particularly bad state of the princess. It must be because of this reason that your majesty was so anxious.

They also hurriedly followed Ye Chenzhou's pace and quickly returned to the camp, especially Hua Xun.

But he was outside the main tent and could not go in and could only wait for the result.

In the tent, the imperial physician found that Wan Ge's pulse was very stable and full of vitality, and he did not look like he was dying.

Seeing His Majesty's anxious look, he fell into deep thought.

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