But after this incident, no one mentioned the prince's selection of concubines.

When Ruanruan came back, Wan Ge had already become the queen.

It wasn't that the emperor had any problem, he just felt that he had been the emperor for decades and was tired, so he just let his child be the queen.

After Ruanruan was upgraded, Wan Ge still chose to have a child from the mall. The most important reason was that she didn't want those people to put too much pressure on Zi Shuyan.

Although those people didn't dare to say it openly or in front of the emperor, there were still some rumors behind them.

After getting pregnant, Wan Ge didn't actually have any uncomfortable pregnancy reactions, because as Ruanruan said, it was just a perfect object, not a real life, and it would not have emotions and would not make the host uncomfortable.

After the child was born, everything was as Wan Ge wanted, smart and sensible, and she didn't cry or make a fuss when encountering things.

Mainly because of her character of being very well-behaved to her family, the Empress Dowager and others liked her very much.

Wan Ge looked at the child playing with his mother and father, and smiled faintly. As long as they are happy, it's fine. The child seems to be very well-behaved and sensible, and has emotions, but Wan Ge knows that he actually has no emotions.

Zi Shuyan seems to be quite satisfied with this son, mainly because the child doesn't like to stick to Wan Ge, so he is very satisfied.

Wan Ge deliberately made such a setting. Zi Shuyan in this world loves to stick to him too much. I don't know how difficult it is to really let him accept a child who loves to stick to him. It is estimated that he will be upset easily, so why make him unhappy.

Zi Shuyan is not a very qualified father, but he is not very bad. He will give the child what he needs and wants. Especially in life, he will never treat him badly.

Wan Ge sometimes wonders if it is really a person with soul and emotions, what will he like more? Or what will happen? It should be more qualified.

When the child was in his teens, he sat on the throne of the emperor. It is estimated that Zi Shuyan was tired of it.

Zishuyan's grandmother is still alive, nearly ninety years old, which is really rare in such an era.

The Empress Dowager sometimes feels very relieved to see that her great-grandchildren have grown up. Zishuhua's daughter became the most talented woman in the capital, and her son inherited his father's position.

Later, except for the children, basically all the elders passed away.

After the child inherited the throne, Wan Ge and Zishuyan returned to the place where they eloped.

The children would come to see them sometimes, and Wan Ge really enjoyed this feeling of freedom.

It's just... watching Zishuyan water the vegetables so that they look sick again: "You watered too much, if you continue like this, you will die."

In fact, Wan Ge is basically responsible for the normal management of vegetables, and Zishuyan is only responsible for turning the soil and planting vegetables.

It is normal for people to have some bumps and bruises when they get old. A few days ago, Wan Ge accidentally fell and had some inconvenience in movement, so Zishuyan took on the responsibility of watering the vegetables.

He didn't know why it died even though he watered it every day.

Zi Shuyan sat beside her and looked at her helplessly: "What should I do?"

"It's okay, you don't need to water it anymore, just water it once every few days, and don't water it if it rains." Although it's spring all year round here, it doesn't rain much in this season.

Zi Shuyan replied with a "yes", and then helped the one he loved back into the house.

After returning to live here, their lives are actually like this, and they repeat the same days almost every day.

Zi Shuyan thinks about what to cook for her every day. He usually grows vegetables, and plays the piano in the yard or paints a few pictures when he has nothing to do.

Zi Shuyan doesn't like to paint anything. If he really paints, he basically paints Wan Ge, her under the pine trees, and her playing the piano.

Although he almost lives this kind of life, Zi Shuyan doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. He likes this kind of life very much.

Wan Ge has never seen his separation anxiety again, maybe it's better, maybe it's because he didn't leave.

Zi Shuyan had never been bothered by his illness. Maybe he would be fine when he could go to court alone. Because he had someone he loved, he needed to learn to handle things independently in order to better protect her. So he was already fine.

But when Wan Ge passed away, Zi Shuyan felt that he had lived with her until old age, and he should be satisfied anyway.

He kept restraining himself from being sad, because he knew that Wan Ge would not want him to feel sad for her departure.


Zi ShuyanI squatted on the ground, still holding her hand, feeling a strong discomfort in my heart. I don't know how many years I haven't felt the discomfort again.


① It turns out that I am not well, but I understand that you have always been by my side.

② I thought I could accept your departure calmly, but unfortunately, I and my body can't.

③ You accompanied me when I was born, and now it's my turn to accompany you.


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