Chu Huailin looked at the other person's calm and indifferent look, and he was furious. Why didn't he realize that his second brother was so annoying before?

In his impression, Chu Yuelin always felt like a gentle brother. The eldest brother was more serious and rigid, while the second brother always spoke gently and moved gently. He would enlighten him and take him to do what he wanted to do.

But he should be closer to the second brother like this, but this was not the case. Chu Yuelin was obviously a model of a perfect brother, but he was still closer to the eldest brother.

I used to think it was because Chu Yuelin went abroad, but now I think back to when I was a child, even when we were together day and night, I didn't stick to the second brother very much.

"It smells so good, you can actually cook." Wan Ge's voice of praise sounded, and his eyes fell on the other person.

The most beautiful man held the spatula in one hand and the handle of the pot in the other hand, and skillfully turned the pot. The sunset outside the window was just right, making the man in front of him look a little radiant.

Chu Yuelin explained softly: "I had been living abroad before, and I didn't like their food, so I studied it myself."

Although Chu Yuelin said this, Wan Ge could feel that he should have no one else living abroad, unlike now when he still has a bunch of servants, he didn't even have a chef abroad.

However, based on his understanding of the Chu family, it is very likely that Chu Yuelin didn't want it. Although he has a good personality, he is also likely to prefer living alone.

Otherwise, given the situation of the Chu family, they would never let their children suffer in a foreign country.

"Too amazing." He praised directly.

But at this time, Chu Huailin also spoke: "Sister, don't worry, as long as I am willing to learn, I will learn it soon."

"Well, I believe you." Wan Ge looked at the other's eyes, and his expression was more serious than any other time.

Chu Huailin, who was praised, turned back and raised his eyebrows to his brother, as if to say, that's it, it's so easy to get close to Wan Ge, and it's also easy to get her praise.

But Chu Yuelin was still cooking seriously, and it seemed that he didn't look at him at all.

When they were about to start eating, Chu Junlin also came back. Looking at the slightly different dishes, he was a little confused: "Did we get a new chef?"

Although it still looked extremely delicious, it seemed to lack some heat compared to the original.

Before Chu Yuelin could speak, Chu Huailin spoke for him: "It was cooked by the second brother. Are you surprised? I didn't expect the second brother to be able to cook, right?"

Chu Junlin looked at Chu Yuelin. Of course, he knew that the other party lived outside. He also made some suggestions several times, such as improving his living environment and the people who took care of him.

But Chu Junlin didn't expect that the other party could not only cook but also cook so well.

Chu Huailin was just skeptical at first, and then tried it. As a result, he found that the second brother's cooking was really delicious. Although he felt that his knife skills and some situations were not as good as those of the chef, the chefs in their family were all top chefs with extremely rich experience. It was normal for Chu Yuelin to be inferior to them. It would be abnormal if he could be better than them.

I just didn't expect that the dishes that seemed to be perfect in every aspect compared to the ones made by the chef now tasted very different.

Chu Yuelin has lived with them for so long, and he never cooked for them before. Now he is so active in cooking. Everyone knows what his purpose is.

So in the face of this situation, if it was in the past, Chu Junlin would definitely be happy to praise him, but now he just tried to keep a polite smile and replied: "Not bad."

Chu Yuelin didn't need their affirmation, and pushed the dish he thought he made best in front of Wan Ge: "Miss Lu, try it."

Wan Ge took the white porcelain chopsticks in her hand and picked up the dish in front of her.

The sweetness and fragrance of the dish bloomed from her mouth when she ate it, and every taste bud seemed to enjoy it to the extreme. Of course, the most important thing that can't be ignored is the extremely familiar taste.

Even if Wan Ge had already determined in her heart that the person in front of her was the one she liked, but when she couldn't be 100% sure, the more proof the better.

Wan Ge praised Chu Yulin's cooking skills without hesitation. Chu Huailin heard Wan Ge praising her second brother and immediately said, "Sister, I can cook too! Wait, when you come back tomorrow, you can eat the dishes I cook."

"Okay! I'm looking forward to it." His cooking taste has never changed. If the three of them can cook, he may be able to tell them apart.

However, it is not ruled out that in order to confuse her, the dishes they cook taste the same.

Of course, this is onlyIt was Wan Ge's guess, but Wan Ge was not so sure.

After dinner, Chu Junlin invited Wan Ge to go out for a walk. After hearing this, Chu Huailin also hurriedly said that he wanted to go together.

Wan Ge looked at Chu Yuelin and asked: "Does Yuelin want to go together?"

Chu Yuelin shook her head: "I will look at the design plan later, I will not go, you can go."

Chu Huailin was very surprised that the elder brother did not participate in this kind of activity. Didn't the second brother like sister Wan Ge very much? He didn't seize the opportunity to get along with her?

"Okay." Wan Ge was not angry about the other party's refusal. He was also a little surprised that Chu Yuelin did not come with him. Wasn't he afraid that he would develop a little affection for one of them when he went out?

In the past, let alone those who were not related to him by blood, even children and relatives, he would be unhappy if they went out alone for a long time, and often chose to go out together. Now, knowing that they were all rivals in love, he actually chose to give in.

It's a bit interesting. Wan Ge was also curious about what the other party wanted to do.

Chu Yuelin stood on the second floor, looking at the place nearly a hundred meters away from him. The three people fought side by side, and seemed to be talking and laughing and quite happy.

The cup in his hand was almost crushed, and there were cracks on it.

"Second Young Master likes Miss Lu so much, why don't you go together?" The nature of the second young master's work is relatively easy, so he won't be so anxious to deal with work matters and then not participate.

Chu Yuelin just hooked his lips and didn't answer the housekeeper's question. He put down the cup and turned into his room.

Not long after Chu Yuelin put the cup down, it broke. The housekeeper immediately asked someone to come and deal with it, and he shook his head looking at the closed door.

Among the three children, the second young master is the most difficult to guess. Although the eldest young master doesn't like to talk most of the time, he has a very clear purpose for what he wants, and they can understand it.

The third young master is even more so. He will say what he wants directly. They don't even need to guess, and they can give the third young master what he wants directly.

Only the second young master always looks calm and does not fight or compete. He is willing to take whatever is given to him. If it is not given to him, he will not ask for it actively, and he will not show sadness or grievance.

When he was young, the second young master was the easiest to take care of. He was very well-behaved and sensible, never cried, and his academic performance was the best. No matter what, the master and the lady did not need to worry about him.

Of course, this is probably because Chu Yuelin is in a different situation.

As the oldest child of the master and the lady, the eldest young master had experienced a lot of favoritism when he was young. Later, he grew up and did many outstanding things, which also attracted the attention of the lady and the master.

The third young master was born before the second young master was four years old. At that time, the third young master was not as healthy as he is now. He was weak and sick and often uncomfortable. He cried a lot, so the master and the lady paid more attention to the third young master, and naturally had no time to take care of the second young master.

The eldest young master spent more time on studying early on, and he was no longer someone who needed so many people to take care of him. As long as his parents still loved him, treated him well and spent some time with him, he would not care so much.

Although the master and the lady loved the second young master very much, the time when the second young master appeared was not very good.

Perhaps it was because of this that the young second young master was so well-behaved and sensible.

Whether it was the eldest young master or the young master, they were accompanied by the lady and the master before going to school. Only the second young master was accompanied by servants for a large part of his time before going to school, including the housekeeper.

So for the housekeeper, the second young master made him feel closer to the three young masters, and he cared more about the second young master.

He saw that the three young masters had a good impression of Miss Lu, but he did not expect that the second young master, who had never fought for it, would like Miss Lu so much.

The second young master liked it so much! He would try his best to help the second young master.

On the other side, the three people who were walking and chatting also talked about Chu Yuelin.

Chu Junlin asked Wan Ge: "Miss Lu has been spending more time with my second brother these days. Is Miss Lu more satisfied with my second brother?"

"Yuelin is indeed the type I like more." Wan Ge did not answer his question directly, because she is not sure yet. Once she is sure, she will answer very straightforwardly.

It's just that it's not certain yet that the person in front of him still has a little possibility of being his partner.

"Ayue is indeed a very good person and is very easy to get along with." He is a very easy-going person, but not a very easy-to-confide person. HisHis personality makes him not annoying, but it is hard to say whether he is suitable to be a friend or a lover.

Chu Huailin was a little confused. Why was the eldest brother still praising the second brother? Although it was true, they were rivals in love at present, and the second brother was obviously more advantageous. As a result, the eldest brother was still praising the second brother.

Chu Huailin couldn't blame him for having such thoughts. People like him didn't need to know the ways of the world, and didn't need to guess what others were thinking.

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