Wan Ge didn't even think of using this as a test, because she had already tacitly agreed that the three brothers must not drink. After all, if she wanted to misunderstand, it should not only be about food.

"Jun Lin is not very good at drinking, but he can still have a few drinks on weekdays."

After hearing what Mrs. Chu said, what else did Wan Ge not understand? If she had only thought that he was, and there was a high probability that he was. Then now it was 100% certain.

"Okay, I know, I'll go find Ah Yue first!"

"Yeah, you should also pay attention to safety and don't drink too much."

"I know, Auntie."

After answering, Wan Ge ran directly to the garden.

Seeing Wan Ge's state, Mrs. Chu still had nothing to understand. It seemed that Wan Ge had completely decided.


Chu Yuelin sat on the chair, thinking of the scene she saw, her face was a little pale, and her heart was also very uncomfortable.

So did Wan Ge choose her brother in the end? Did she think they had more topics to talk about because they were more alike? Did she lose after all?

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind: "Ayue, why are you here alone?"

When he turned around, it was Wan Ge, and he was the only one there.

Before Chu Yuelin could react, Wan Ge hugged him.

Chu Yuelin was a little confused, and his brain couldn't react at all. What was going on?

Then, he heard the people around him say: "Ayue, let's be together! I want to be with you forever."

"You chose me?" Chu Yuelin was still a little unbelievable.

If he hadn't seen that scene, Chu Yuelin wouldn't be like this, after all, he still had some confidence in himself, but after seeing that scene, he was not so sure.

"Of course, I will only choose you, no matter before or after."

Although Chu Yuelin didn't know what happened, he was still very happy that Wan Ge chose him.

"Okay, then will you marry me?"

"Yes, we will be together forever."

"That's great." Chu Yuelin hugged the person tightly in his arms, and what he said was also his true words.

Wan Ge felt that he was happy and she was also very happy, and she hugged him back tightly.

Chu Yuelin thought all night and still couldn't figure out why Wan Ge chose her, until she heard a scream from the next room: "Who are you! Where is this place, what did you do to me?!"

When Chu Yuelin walked to the door, her parents and Wan Ge also came out.

Mrs. Chu walked to her son and knocked on her eldest son's door: "Xiaojun, are you in there? What happened?"

"I'm here, mom, wait a minute." Chu Junlin's head was also very confused, but he seemed to have a little impression of what happened last night.

Looking at the woman in front of him, he lowered his head slightly: "Sorry, I was drugged last night, and I don't remember the details, but... if you need it, I will be responsible for you."

The girl also calmed down a lot, because she was also thinking about what happened last night.

She also remembered what happened last night. Her family wanted to send her to an old man, so her sister drugged her drink. When she realized something was wrong, she ran away and heard that there seemed to be a party at the house.

She thought that she might be able to ask for help with more people, so she ran in.

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