There is almost no war between humans. Because of the inheritance of magic, the royal family is basically the most powerful in magic and has absolute control.

The open and secret struggles between nobles are silent wars, which generally do not affect the safety of ordinary people.

Because of magic, there is no need to over-exploit resources, so the atmosphere in the human world is still relatively good. Every place is beautiful, and you can see flowers everywhere when walking in the forest.

When Wan Ge walked deep into the forest, he saw a wounded deer. It seemed that it couldn't stand up even if it was shot in the leg.

Wan Ge squatted beside the deer, and while drawing the sword, he also used magic to treat the deer. Soon the deer's wound healed.

Just as Wan Ge was about to stand up, an arrow passed by her and shot directly into a tree beside her.

When Wan Ge looked up, she saw a man on horseback. The other party was very handsome and gleaming in the sun, but his cold temperament would make people retreat.

Wan Ge finally understood why everyone didn't like to get close to the villain in the plot. Who dares to get close to such a villain?

Cecil looked at the other party without hesitation. Originally, he wanted to take the deer away because it looked very beautiful. It would be nice to take it back to the palace as a pet, but...

Cecil watched the deer run away and didn't stop it. He just said to the girl in front of him: "You let my deer go, so you can only go back with me."

When the other party looked at him, her focused and beautiful eyes made Cecil moved all of a sudden. Instead of taking the deer back, it would be better to take her back.

Before Wan Ge could react, the other party picked her up and put her on the horse's back, and he circled her with one hand.

Cecil looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. From her clothes, it can be seen that she should be a noble, but her magic ability does not seem to be very strong.

Looking down at her muddy shoes, she was a noble lady, what was she doing in such a place?

When Wan Ge heard the other party asking why she was here, she answered innocently: "I got lost and came to the forest unknowingly. I thought it was beautiful, so I walked around here."

Cesel heard her say this and then answered: "There are not only deer in the forest, but also monsters. Aren't you afraid of encountering danger?"

Wan Ge's fingertips gently grasped his clothes, and she seemed to be a little scared when she heard the word monster. Monsters can also transform into humans, and high-level monsters can also become very beautiful humans, so Wan Ge looked up at him again: "Then are you a monster?"

Cesel smiled faintly on his lips, lowered his head and answered in her ear: "I'm not, but to them, I'm more terrifying than monsters."

Wan Ge's eyes were a little confused, and Cecil didn't say a word, and took her directly back to the palace.

When entering the palace, Wan Ge seemed to react: "Are you His Majesty Cecil?"

Cesel just hummed faintly, and when he arrived at the destination, he took the girl off the horse.

When the other person hugged him, Wan Ge deliberately hugged him tighter, as if he was a little afraid of falling.

Cecil was afraid of loneliness, but in fact he didn't like physical contact with people. The action of wanting to hug her down had already made him stunned for a moment. When the other person hugged him tightly, he just suddenly felt his mind go blank.

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