The emperor frowned when he heard this, looked at the eunuch beside him, and said, "Didn't I forbid her from leaving the cold palace? How did she get out?"

"This... After all, she is the queen, and your majesty said not to hurt her, so the guards dare not stop her."

"Let her go back to the cold palace. There is nothing to discuss about her brother's affairs. If she is smart, she should stay in the cold palace."

When the eunuch saw that the emperor said so, he immediately bowed and replied yes, and then left the imperial study.

After walking out of the door, he closed the door of the imperial study, and sighed helplessly when he looked back.

The emperor, the imperial concubine, and General Jian were actually childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

It's just that your majesty used to have only a brother-sister relationship with the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine treated your majesty like a brother.

It's just that your majesty was just a prince at that time. Although he was of noble birth and was the queen's legitimate son, the late emperor did not like the queen at that time, let alone the queen's family.

Together with your majesty at that time, they were also disgusted. It was just that the Empress, or Empress Dowager, at that time had a very powerful family. Although the late Emperor hated them, he could only pretend to be nice to them.

On the surface, he was still a loving couple with the Empress Dowager and His Majesty, but in fact, he hated them.

His Majesty knew this, so he had not expected fatherly love since childhood.

But he did not expect that his father was actually an extremely useless person.

Although the late Emperor had secured the throne, he was indeed incompetent and could only use marriage to face the enemy.

The person chosen by the enemy at that time was the Imperial Concubine, General Jian's sister.

In fact, no matter how stupid the late Emperor was, he would not dare to go against General Jian's family. He knew very well that General Jian's family would definitely not want to send their daughter to marry.

As a family of military generals from three dynasties, the Emperor did not want to be hostile to them.

But if he wanted to refuse, he must have a suitable excuse.

So His Majesty, who grew up with the Imperial Concubine, stood up and said that he and the Imperial Concubine were childhood sweethearts. In fact, he had long admired the Imperial Concubine and they had known each other for a long time.

But His Majesty had been engaged to the daughter of the Taifu family since childhood, so General Jian's sister could only become a concubine, and later became a royal concubine.

For so many years, in the eyes of outsiders, His Majesty seemed to favor the royal concubine, but they never made any close moves.

The friendship between the three of them had always been very good, but now that General Jian was in trouble, the friendship between the three was shattered.

To be honest, the father-in-law has been with His Majesty for many years. He thinks that General Jian will not do anything to collude with the enemy and betray the country, but it is true that he was defeated on the battlefield. Alas! Now the general is really going to decline.

The eunuch walked up to the imperial concubine, with a bit more sympathy on his face: "Your Majesty doesn't want to see you, you should go back and rest early. His Majesty doesn't want to hurt you because of our old relationship, but this is not the reason for you to run out of the cold palace. If you don't want His Majesty to hate the general more, you should not come out again."

After hearing this, the imperial concubine seemed to have completely lost her support and collapsed to the ground.

"No! Eunuch Xiao, please tell His Majesty again, say it again! My brother will never collude with the enemy and betray the country, please His Majesty restore my brother's innocence."

"Your Majesty, now who dares to mention General Jian, His Majesty will be angry, please don't embarrass me."

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