On the other side.

Wan Ge sat by the pond feeding the fish. Now she had already avoided the deadlock of the original owner. Tomorrow would be the time for the result to come out.

Why was she a little bit looking forward to it? What kind of expression would Xuan Yu have when he knew about it?

"Miss, this is a letter from Miss Jiang to you." The maid next to Wan Ge handed the letter to her.

The little maid was a little worried: "Miss, why did she write to you? She thinks he is not a good person. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have been divorced."

Although no one outside said much about Wan Ge, for others, a woman who divorced her husband would be discredited in this world.

And the little maid didn't know that there were so many twists and turns in this. She just thought that Xuan Yu was a dead scumbag. It was good that Miss Yu divorced, but Jiang Jintang was not a good person either. If it weren't for her, Miss wouldn't have divorced.

"Miss Jiang is not a bad person, and if it weren't for him, I wouldn't know that I met a bad man. He used to coax your lady around, but now that your lady is useless, she will naturally coax other women."

The little maid was stunned for a moment and then reacted: "Are you saying that Miss Jiang was also coaxed?"

Wan Ge nodded.

The little maid did not follow Wan Ge to see Jiang Jintang, so naturally she didn't know what Wan Ge said to Jiang Jintang.

"This..." The little maid didn't know what to say: "Why is this Third Prince so bad! No, I have to burn another stick of incense for the lady. It must be the lady who blesses Miss and saves her from suffering before getting married."

After saying that, the little maid went to burn incense again in a hurry.

Wan Ge looked at him helplessly.

Then she opened the letter in her hand.

It was Jiang Jintang's apology and gratitude to her. She had already investigated it clearly. What Wan Ge said was right. Xuan Yu was indeed not a good person.

But Xuan Yu dared to deceive her. If she didn't take revenge, she wouldn't be herself anymore. So she asked Wan Ge to help conceal it and not let Xuan Yu know the truth for the time being.

Wan Ge was of course very happy to do so and immediately replied to the letter. Then he asked the guard beside him to help him deliver it.

The next day, everyone thought it was a trial of General Jian, and even Xuan Yu was watching the show silently beside other ministers.

In the end, it was not General Jian who was brought up, and the other party was still unbelievable. He had obviously changed the evidence and put all the documents of treason in General Jian's tent. Why? Why was he the one arrested!

Xuan Yu was stunned when he saw the arrested deputy general. This was a deputy general who had taken the initiative to find him and said he was willing to serve him.

Xuan Yu's mother was not a girl from a noble family, so she naturally wanted to have her own power in the court.

Although this deputy general was not as good as General Jian, he could also be a great help to him, so he was of course very happy.

But the other party had not had time to do anything for him, and now he was caught.

"Your Majesty, I am wronged. I did not collude with the enemy and commit treason. It was General Jian who committed treason."

The emperor snorted coldly: "You are still stubborn when you are about to die. Take a look at these letters yourself."

While speaking, he threw a stack of letters in the other party's face, and at the same time asked someone to bring a box over.

"Do you want to say that these letters are wronged by others? These letters were found by my people."

He also threw the box in front of him: "My people saw you put this box in Jian's tent."

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