It seems that because of the better condition, Chu Yunshu is not so obsessed with sticking to Wan Ge all the time. Although Chu Yunshu wants to stick with her all the time, the fear of her leaving is less, so he can accept her leaving him for a while.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Wan Ge looked at Mr. Chu in front of him, with some confusion in his eyes. Since he is the father of her lover, Wan Ge also regards him as her father.

Mr. Chu looked at Wan Ge in front of him, and then said softly: "Wan Ge, I remember that you used to study business management, and then changed your major. Are you interested in taking over the Chu family?"

In fact, Mr. Chu once had a moment when he felt that this girl took care of her children so wholeheartedly, maybe there was some purpose.

But in the end, seeing his son getting better step by step, seeing the reconciliation between them, and seeing that this girl seemed to care about nothing except her son, he believed that the girl in front of him just liked her children purely and had no other purpose.

I was worried about the other party's purpose before, and I was also worried that the other party would treat my child badly after I left, but now I won't, I won't have such worries anymore.

In addition to the performance of the girl in front of me, there is also the condition of my child. Now the condition is much better, and I can really feel relieved.

Wan Ge shook her head, and then looked at Chu Yunshu not far away: "Forget it, I always feel that if I take over, there will be too much to be busy. I want to spend more time with Xiao Shuer. After all, life is not long, I just want to accompany him well."

For her, human life is really short, and she only has a lifetime to accompany him in this world, so she wants to cherish it.

At the moment she looked at Chu Yunshu, Wan Ge's eyes were particularly gentle.

Hearing this, Mr. Chu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Okay, I understand."

Then I will arrange all those things in the future, and let the girl in front of me make up for the regrets that I can't make up for in my life.

Life is not long. Thinking that he did not spend enough time with his wife, let alone his children, Mr. Chu really understood this feeling.

Yes, life is not long.

Wan Ge returned to Chu Yunshu, who looked at her with a smile. This boy who seemed unable to smile before was now happy.

As long as she came to his side, Chu Yunshu would be very happy.

Wan Ge reached out and touched his head. Chu Yunshu did not ask what they talked about.

No need to ask, Chu Yunshu did not mind what they talked about anyway.

Even if it might be related to himself, Chu Yunshu did not need to ask, because both of them loved him, and even if it was related to him, it would not be a bad thing.

Wan Ge gently touched the little rabbits in front of him with her fingertips, and then said: "Do you think they seem to be fat? Shouldn't we feed them so much?"

Chu Yunshu gently uttered an "ah" and looked at the little rabbits in front of him, which were indeed a little round. They seemed to be fatter than when they first saw these little rabbits.

"Maybe it's grown up?" It must not be fat, how could such a cute little rabbit be fat, it must be because it has grown up.

Wan Ge answered yes, and then stayed in the garden with the boy for a long time. When he looked back, Mr. Chu was gone, he must have been busy again.

Wan Ge finally followed the boy back to the house. Just when she was thinking about whether to make something delicious for the boy, she received a call from the original owner's mother.

After answering the phone, Wan Ge saw Chu Yunshu looking at her curiously. Wan Ge smiled and asked the boy in front of her: "Are you ready to meet your mother-in-law? My mother will come in a few days."

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