Many of his fans have become haters, and many fans have also liked another contestant who was "bullied" by him.

Of course, there are still some die-hard fans who still believe that he is innocent.

At that time, the original owner had already learned about some of the darkness in the entertainment industry, so the original owner was skeptical about those black materials, but the other party had already retired from the circle, and the original owner had decided to go abroad for further studies, so he no longer paid attention to it.

Now three years have passed. With the rapid renewal of the entertainment industry, there are so many newcomers rising, and he has been forgotten by many people.

Wan Ge also thought seriously based on the original owner's memory, and then suddenly remembered.

It must be said that after so many years, the other party still looks good, completely in her aesthetic point, and still so youthful.

Some people will change a lot once they are out of the halo of stars, but the other party has not, and always looks like the shining idol.

Wan Ge believes that her little villain will never be the kind of person who bullies others, so why did he retire from the circle and where did those black materials come from, she must investigate it clearly.

Wange had just put the food she bought into the refrigerator when she received a call from her mother.

"Baby, have you adjusted to the time difference? Are you still not used to it? Is it really okay for you to live there alone? Don't you really need your mother to take care of you?"

"No, no, the time difference is almost adjusted, just don't worry, mom."

"That's good." The gentle female voice on the other end of the phone continued: "We have a private hospital, I think you can go and have a look, and whether you want to stay or not, mom will let you."

Wange immediately replied: "Okay, give me the address, I'll go over tomorrow to take a look."

"Going there tomorrow? Baby, you don't need to rest for two more days ?”

“No, I’ll be there tomorrow. I’ve rested well, don’t worry.”

“Okay, call mom if you need anything else.”

“After I go there tomorrow, I’ll go back to the old house and have dinner with you and dad. We haven’t had a good meal except the day we came back.”

“Okay, okay, then dad and I will wait for you and make you love food.”

“Thank you, mom.”

“You kid, why are you saying thank you to mom? That’s it for now, mom won’t bother you anymore. See you tomorrow, baby.”

“Mom, see you tomorrow.” After Wan Ge answered, the other party also hung up the phone.

Wan Ge also remembered the day she just came back. Because she couldn’t sleep well on the plane, she didn’t sleep for nearly 24 hours. Her parents arranged a table of delicious food for her, but she almost fell asleep while eating, almost scaring her parents.

Later, knowing that it was jet lag and she didn’t rest well, she immediately let her go to bed.

The next day, Wan Ge went to the hospital, because her university major was medicine, and she would continue her further studies in medicine.

The higher-ups had already made arrangements, and Wan Ge was successfully hired and could start work the next day.

Although Wan Ge's academic qualifications were very impressive, she had not really treated patients, so the dean suggested that she do an internship for a while.

Wan Ge had no objection to this, even though she had helped in some situations before, but she had never really worked, so she happily agreed.

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