More importantly, when something unexpected happens, many doctors in public hospitals step forward first, so Wan Ge is particularly respectful, salutes every retrograde, and wishes them safety and health.

Time flies, and it is the day of the operation. Deputy Director Liu had informed Qin Nian of the specific situation and details of the operation.

It is impossible for Qin Nian to say that he is not nervous, but he relaxes a little when he sees Wan Ge beside him.

After a period of getting along, Qin Nian trusts Wan Ge more, and looking at the girl in front of him, he will be happy from the bottom of his heart just by looking at her.

At this moment, Wan Ge has put on sterile isolation clothing and a mask, and is waiting for his anesthetic to take effect. When he found that he was looking at her, he still whispered: "Don't worry."

The doctor who performed the operation this time was not Wan Ge, but Wan Ge was just an assistant behind Deputy Director Liu. She had assisted her mentor in completing many operations before, so she was very natural in dealing with such a situation.

This was not the first time that Wan Ge had been an assistant since coming to this hospital. He had performed several operations with Deputy Director Liu before. Deputy Director Liu was very satisfied with Wan Ge's cooperation.

The other party was very professional and assisted him very well.

At the moment when the operation was completed, Deputy Director Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief, remembering the first time he saw Qin Nian, the other party's eyes seemed to have no hope for life.

He knew that Qin Nian was once an idol, and he had heard his voice. When his daughter was in junior high school, she liked Qin Nian very much.

So he had a certain understanding of this person, and knew how good his voice was.

When the Internet was full of public opinion about his retirement, and when he saw his daughter was particularly sad, he told his daughter that she retired because of a throat injury. Of course, he could not disclose the specific situation, and could only tell his daughter that he had his reasons.

Because of this, his daughter also firmly believed that Qin Nian was not what those black public opinions said.

I don't know if Qin Nian will return to the stage if he can fully recover. The posters posted in his daughter's room have not been torn down yet.

After the operation, Qin Nian was temporarily unable to eat or make any sound, and it would take at least half a year for him to recover.

However, since the operation was successful, the possibility of his full recovery was almost 80%. Even if he could not recover 100%, he could at least recover 90% of his previous state.

With his voice condition, even if it was 90% of his previous state, it would still be very good.

However, after all, he had suffered such serious damage before, and he still had to protect his voice after recovery, otherwise he might suffer from sore throat and hoarseness.

"The operation was very successful." Deputy Director Liu looked at the person in front of him and smiled: "As long as you take the medicine well and cooperate with the subsequent treatment, there will be absolutely no problem if you want to sing."

Qin Nian nodded, and Deputy Director Liu understood the gratitude in his eyes.

Qin Nian stayed in the hospital for a week. In addition to Deputy Director Liu coming to check on him, Wan Ge would occasionally come to check on him.

On the third day after the operation, Qin Nian could eat some mild liquid food. Of course, these were basically made by Wan Ge because Qin Nian had no one to take care of him. As for the first few days, I was completely supported by medicine.

[ps: I don’t know much about medicine, but don’t take the plot seriously]

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