Qin Nian didn't pay attention to these things, but he was surprised to hear that the top companies in the country were supporting him.

After checking, he found that it was the Yun family. He had no contact with the Yun family. Suddenly, he remembered Wan Ge who was sitting next to him and reading the news.

He asked tentatively: "Are you from the Yun family?"

The other party had her own house here before she had a job. She had been studying abroad, and her teacher was the most famous professor in the field she studied.

Qin Nian felt that the other party was not an ordinary person, but he didn't connect her with the Yun family at that time.

Wan Ge nodded. She also saw the one forwarded by her family. In fact, she didn't ask them to do it.

If there is no accident, it was her father or mother who did it.

In addition to being with Qin Nian on weekends, Wan Ge would of course go home. She would accompany Qin Nian for a while on Saturday morning, go home in the afternoon to have dinner with her parents, come back on Sunday afternoon, accompany Qin Nian for a while, then go home to sleep, and work the next day.

When Wan Ge went home, she also mentioned Qin Nian to her parents.

Madam Yun knew this person, she knew it before. Because her daughter liked this star very much before, she had no opinion on this matter. It was normal for her daughter to like such a good-looking boy who sang so well.

It was just because of her studies and some other things later, Wan Ge had no connection with the other party.

Madam Yun did not check anything, after all, she thought her daughter might not care.

But unexpectedly, the gears of fate finally turned. The two people had an intersection, and her daughter still liked him.

Madam Yun conducted some investigations. There was no problem with Qin Nian's character, but there were some doubts about his identity.

However, since her daughter liked him, Madam Yun would of course support him.

So when she saw the so-called eldest lady of the Shi family, Li Ting, that Li something, Madam Yun called her husband.

So the official account of the Yun family forwarded those sent by Qin Nian within five minutes after Madam Yun finished the call.

Wan Ge said that Qin Nian is still actively receiving treatment and preparing to make a comeback. Regarding the matter of liking him, Wan Ge said that she liked him first, and he didn't know yet.

Madam Yun certainly thinks her daughter is the best, and she thinks Qin Nian will like her daughter.

On the one hand, her daughter is very good, and on the other hand, her daughter also helped him cure his voice. He will like his daughter no matter where she is.

So Madam Yun has long regarded the other party as her son-in-law.

Wan Ge did not explain to Qin Nian. She couldn't tell him that her parents regarded her as their son-in-law. This... it's not good to say it now, let's talk about it later.

"Thank you."

Wan Ge waved her hand quickly: "You're welcome, I'm glad I can help you."

Qin Nian didn't know how to thank the person in front of him. Wan Ge was really good.

Qin Nian hugged her all of a sudden: "I don't know how to thank you."

He really felt that Wan Ge was his lucky star, his salvation, and she had been helping him.

"Then... be my boyfriend?" Wan Ge asked tentatively.

Qin Nian's body paused for a moment. Wan Ge didn't know what he was thinking. He felt that he cared so much about returning to the stage. Maybe the dream of this world was really important to him.

Wan Ge began to doubt whether he didn't want to fall in love for the time being, so she quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just talking nonsense, you don't have to take it to heart."

But the next second, Qin Nian lowered his head and kissed her.

Qin Nian couldn't describe the excitement in his heart at this moment. He was embarrassed to say it because his love seemed worthless...

In the middle of the night, he had doubted several times, even if he liked her, would she like him?

For her, he seemed to be unable to give her anything. As of now, she has always been taking care of him. And what can he do for her?

Qin Nian heard that she wanted to see him return to the stage, so she worked so hard, wrote songs, practiced songs, and prepared for a comeback.

He hoped that one day, he would achieve the highest achievement in his career, and then tell her that he liked her.

But he didn't expect that happiness came so suddenly. Just when he felt that he was not worthy, his angel condescended to tell him that she liked him.

Qin Nian kissed for a long time, listening to Wan Ge's breathing, and hugged her tightly in his arms: "I like you too, very much, but now I... don't think I have the right to say I like you."

"How can it be... as long as it's you, you have the right." Wan Ge's breathing has not yet fully adjusted, and she answered him softly.

"I really don't know how to tell you..." I don't know how toTell you how much I like you, and I don't know how to tell you how grateful I am in my heart.

Wan Ge seemed to have noticed what he wanted to say, and kissed him on the forehead again: "As long as you tell me that you like me, it's enough."

"I will try my best to match you." Qin Nian looked at Wan Ge in front of him and spoke seriously.

Wan Ge nodded and answered you.

Qin Nian used to be negative because of his voice. Whether it was his original career, investment, or company, he was casual. Now he doesn't think so.

His angel background is too noble. He must work hard to match her. Even if he can't compare, he must never let others think that he is unworthy.

Qin Nian stayed up until two o'clock in the evening and made a new plan. In addition to the future planning in his career, there are also his investment and the development of the company.

After the news of Qin Nian's comeback came out, the popularity was really terrifying. Some top music variety shows that were half-recorded, as well as dramas of major IPs, all extended olive branches to Qin Nian.

Originally, some brands knew about his comeback and were ready to make a move, but because Qin Nian had just made the news and was still uncertain, they did not dare to do anything.

But after Yun's repost, others were sure that Qin Nian would not have any major problems. Even if he had any problems, he had capital to guarantee that such a person would not have any problems.

So they all began to ask Qin Nian if he had any intention of cooperating.

Qin Nian watched all of them, but rejected them all, leaving only a unique music variety show.

This music variety show seemed to be directed by a new director, but the rules were a little different, and he was quite interested.

And since he had just made a comeback, he did not want to touch other people's cakes immediately, so he was quite interested in such a new variety show.

So Qin Nian reached a cooperation with them and signed a contract soon.

However, the variety show did not immediately announce that Qin Nian would participate, but only said that there would be a mysterious guest.

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