"Then let it be. If you don't want to have much contact with him, then don't have much contact with him. When you want to see him, I will accompany you back to see him."

Qin Nian hugged the person in his arms tightly and said, "In fact, he is not bad to me. Apart from hurting me with words, he has not been harsh in other aspects. But he is my father. If he was just a stranger, maybe I would not hate him at all."

Wan Ge touched his hair and said softly, "I understand. I am disappointed because of expectations."

Because he is the person closest to him, he expects that he should treat him well, but he doesn't, so that expectation turns into disappointment, and the hatred or hate caused by disappointment.

The mother who loved him left early, and the remaining father was tired of him, so he did not feel the love of his parents in his later life. He did not learn bad things because of the support of his mother's love.

Although his mother left, her love for him did not disappear. After his mother left, she still made a lot of things for him.

For example, in a certain store, she ordered a birthday gift for him.

After Qin Nian's mother learned that she would not live long, she customized a birthday gift for Qin Nian in a store. Every year, it was different because it was newly made every year. They were all special customized birthday gifts in their store.

Birthday gifts were all made from the drawings made by Qin Nian's mother. Because different times have different trends, they made some adjustments, but they were all based on his mother's drawings.

Even now that he has returned to their homeland, he can receive gifts from overseas every birthday, all of which are reserved by his mother.

Each gift also has a letter, which was also prepared by his mother for every birthday before she passed away.

In fact, he didn't hate his father so much. Rather than hating, it's better to say that he didn't know how to get along with his father. There was a gap between them that could never be crossed, so it was okay not to stay together.

Now that he has a lover, he understands his father's actions better, but understanding is one thing, and emotion is another.

What Wan Ge said is actually very good, they just let it go.

The next day, Qin Nian called his father, and the person who answered the phone was the housekeeper.

The housekeeper said his father was having breakfast and asked him if he wanted to talk to his father.

Qin Nian nodded, and soon he heard his father's voice.


"Are you free to have dinner with Wan Ge's parents on Saturday night?"


"Well, that's it. I'll send you the time and address later."


"Then see you on Saturday."

"See you on Saturday." After Mr. Qin finished speaking, he heard the sound of the phone being hung up, and immediately looked up at the housekeeper.

In fact, his son's mobile phone was next to him when he called, but he was so nervous that he didn't know how to start the conversation, so he asked the housekeeper to answer the phone.

Don't ask him why he has changed so much, it's because someone scolded him. Who scolded him? It was his daughter-in-law.

After Wan Ge knew that it was the evidence that he sent to him, he didn't know how to contact him, and he scolded him.

But it did wake him up. He couldn't blame Qin Nian for his wife's death. Moreover, Qin Nian had a hard time these years because he lost his mother and was not loved by his father.

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