Wan Ge had a faint smile on her lips. The little heroine was really sweet.

Qina looked cute and beautiful, and her eyes were pure. It can be seen that she was a simple and clean lady, and the clean breath on her body made people feel comfortable.

It was no wonder that Cecil would accept Qina's approach in the plot. Who would refuse such a kind lady?

Qina had actually been preparing for Wan Ge's visit these two days. She was confused when she got up because her consciousness was not fully awake.

In fact, he also thought that Wan Ge might not come, because everyone knew that she was about to become the queen. The other party might not come because she was not done with her work, but she really came, and Qina felt particularly happy.

However, Qina chose to cancel some arrangements because of Cecil's arrival, because she couldn't imagine that the noble and difficult Majesty would do such a thing with them.

Wan Ge and Cecil were sitting in the garden of Qina’s house. Wan Ge felt that the flowers in the heroine’s house were also blooming well, and they could grow well without the elves.

Qina went to see if the maid’s pastries were ready. When she came back, she saw Wan Ge touching His Majesty’s head, as if to coax him.

Qina thought of the solemn His Majesty in front of them just now. It was hard to imagine that he would be like this at this moment, like a docile big dog, accepting the comfort of the person he liked.

But suddenly Cecil looked over, and Qina silently retracted her thoughts. To describe His Majesty, he should also be a wolf. In addition to being loyal and docile to himself, he showed a fierce look to everyone, and people could feel cold at a glance.

The maid behind Qina obediently put the pastries on the table, changed the teapot, and then quietly withdrew.

Qina also sat back in her original position, still with a faint smile on her face: "Ms. Aikelis, this is the pastry I developed some time ago, you try it."

Wange replied with a "good", and then took a small bite. The soft and sweet taste instantly filled her mouth, sweet but not greasy, and there was a faint floral scent: "It's delicious."

While saying this, Wane gave it back to the person next to her, asking the other person to try it.

Qina looked at His Majesty and bit the place where Wane had just bitten.

Wange also saw Qina's slightly surprised expression and realized that she shouldn't give him something she had bitten.

But with so many lovers in the world, she didn't know how many of the things she had bitten, so Wane subconsciously handed it to him, forgetting to change him for one that he hadn't bitten.

But Cecil didn't seem to care, just replied that it was not bad, but he already had an idea.

Qina smiled and waved to them to send them off.

But she still felt a little aggrieved in her heart. She wanted to ask Wan Ge some little secrets, but Xisel was always by her side, so she couldn't open her mouth at all. She hoped to talk to Wan Ge next time she saw her.

Wan Ge got on the carriage and went directly to the direction of the palace, but halfway through, she heard a loud noise, and then the coachman said to them: "Your Majesty, there is a fight ahead, we..."

These people are outrageous. They dared to block the road of His Majesty's carriage. Are they going to die?

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