Wan Ge's face was also clean. Except for the blood stains on his clothes that could not be cleaned up, he did not look like he had just experienced a fierce fight.

Wan Ge wanted to help the man up, but then she thought of the other party's fear of women. When she was thinking about taking a step back, the other party suddenly stood up and hugged her.

Wan Ge was slightly stunned, as if she did not expect him to do such a thing.

She did not expect to hold his hand in this world, let alone other situations.

Wan Ge gently patted his back: "Your Highness, it's okay, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Yue Qiwan's eyes were red, and tears seemed to fall, hugging this person who always appeared in front of him in the most dangerous time.

He was very afraid of women, and even seriously resisted all women's approach, but she was different. Rather than saying that he was a woman, it would be better to say that she was a guardian angel for Yue Qiwan.

Yue Qiwan could feel that her embrace was very warm, and he felt very safe and secure leaning on her. It seemed that only she could give him a sense of security.

If all women are demons, then Wan Ge must be the god sent by God to protect him.

Wan Ge also felt that the other party was crying, and felt even more distressed. He couldn't bear to see him cry the most: "It's okay, Your Highness. I will always protect you, won't let you get hurt, and won't let anyone take you away."

Just when Wan Ge thought that the other party would not respond to him, he heard him hum softly.

Yue Qiwan seemed to realize his impoliteness, but only the action just now could make him feel at ease. After realizing it, he let go of Wan Ge and looked at her with red eyes, but his fingertips were still gently grasping her sleeves.

"Don't be afraid, Your Highness, I'll take you back." Looking at the other party's timid appearance, Wan Ge felt so distressed.

Thinking of the tattoo he had just seen, this story had to start from five years ago.

At that time, the world had not yet been unified, and there was a small country that was actually not their opponent at all, but there was a general who would rather fall than surrender.

The general originally planned to die on the battlefield with a group of soldiers, but saw a soldier secretly reading his family letter.

The general knew that if he surrendered, the soldiers would still have a chance of survival and maybe they could be reunited with their families.

The general surrendered, using his life to exchange for all the soldiers to be reunited with their families safely.

After the general fell, the empress of the small country naturally had to surrender as well.

At that time, the original owner particularly admired the general's spirit, and also saw that most of the enemy's soldiers were injured, so she agreed and did not kill any of the enemy's soldiers.

Originally, she should have killed a few main generals to deter them, but she did not, or she might have thought that there would be no more troubles after surrendering.

Unexpectedly, it really became a trouble.

The land was unified, but the people's hearts were not.

The empress finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Yue Qiwan being brought back safely. Her expression was obviously much more relaxed. Although she was a little angry at the assassins, she did not look very sad.

Isn't that right? Didn't the heroine get lost?

At this time, Wan Ge saw the little princess walk behind the empress and frowned slightly. Why didn't the little princess go to follow the plot?

Ruanruan said softly: "Your arrangement protected the little princess, and she was not injured or abducted."

? ? ?

Isn't this just to follow the plot to strengthen their strength, but they told her that the little princess was not abducted, and the only one who was injured was her little villain? Damn!

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