When she was fifteen, she encountered the same thing as her son before going to war, and the two never met again. At that time, Wan Wan was eleven.

The empress suddenly remembered that it was Wan Ge who saved her son.

When she arrived, Wan Ge took her coat, wrapped her son, and covered his head.

Wan Ge only knew that Wan Wan had encountered such a thing. The empress knew that Yue Qi Wan was more frightened and nothing excessive was done to him, so she never felt that her son was not worthy of anyone. Even if something was done to him, Yue Qi Wan could be worthy of any woman.

But if Wan Ge knew that he had such a thing, but still insisted on liking him, then she...

"Why didn't you say it before? Why..." Why did she say that the person she loved, I'm afraid she will never be able to...

While the empress was thinking it through, Wan Ge also answered: "Because I know that Your Highness resists contact with women."

So Wan Ge took the initiative to go with them to worship, took the initiative to go to her son's side to protect him, and even asked to be a guard here after returning to the palace.

From the beginning, from the moment she came back, she came here for the purpose of protecting her son. No wonder she didn't stay with the princess and herself at that time, but went to find Wan Wan.

The empress also laughed, everything was so. It turned out that her son also met someone he liked, and she happened to like him too.

"In this case, I will discuss with Wan Wan and grant you marriage at that time." It's really great.

Of course, Wan Ge was also very happy, and immediately replied: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace."

At this time, a maid ran over: "Greetings to Your Majesty, meeting the general, Your Majesty Feng Jun has woken up."

When the empress heard what the maid said, she immediately told Wan Ge, and then hurried to Feng Jun's bedroom.

She had just coaxed her Feng Jun to sleep, how come he woke up so quickly? Did these people not take good care of him, or did they disturb him?

Wan Ge looked at the empress's anxious look, afraid that Feng Jun didn't know her. On the surface, every concubine and servant had been favored by her, but in private, they were all cheated on by others, except Feng Jun.

In the past, there were various factors, and the empress would never be able to be a couple for life, just like she would never be very good to her mother on the surface, but in private, they were close friends.

The empress went to her husband's bedroom, looked at Feng Jun who had woken up, and immediately sat beside him: "Are you still uncomfortable? I have asked someone to summon the imperial physician."

Feng Jun shook his head gently: "Your Majesty, don't worry. I am fine. I just can't sleep."

The empress looked at her beloved: "Ayi, I plan to grant marriage to Wanwan and Wan Ge."

Feng Jun Yanyi actually observed Yue Qiwan's feelings for Wan Ge before, but: "But does General Mu agree?"

In the situation of her son, since there is a woman who can get close to him, it would be good if he could marry her, but does General Mu agree?

Although the other party cannot refuse if his wife grants marriage, he does not want Wan Ge to treat his son badly in the future because of this reason.

"I have talked to Wan Ge, and she also likes Wan Wan, and she has liked her for a long time." The empress naturally knew what her beloved was worried about.

[Something happened at Xiao Jin's home yesterday, so the three chapters that were not updated yesterday are added to the previous chapter. My dears, please refresh the page. Thank you for your understanding.]

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