Before he finished struggling, Wan Ge appeared in front of him: "Let's go."

Ye Qi didn't say anything in the end, and silently took the other party up.

He had heard how excellent Wan Ge was. Would such an excellent person feel bad when she saw his living environment?

Anyway, Wan Ge already knew the worst side of him, and there was nothing worse.

Wan Ge arrived at Ye Qi's house, which was particularly clean and tidy, but the albums at home were all of him in women's clothes. If no one had ever seen Ye Qi exposed in front of the original owner, perhaps no one would have discovered that Ye Qi in women's clothes and Ye Qi in men's clothes were the same person.

Ye Qi was particularly nervous, holding a glass of water in one hand and gently grasping her skirt with the other hand. "Sister Wan Ge, drink water."

Wan Ge took the water handed over by the other party and said thank you with a faint smile. His eyes fell on Ye Qi himself again: "Xiao Qi is much more beautiful in person than in the photo."

Ye Qi didn't dare to speak at all, and didn't know what Wan Ge meant, whether she really thought he was good-looking or was mocking him.

Wan Ge took a sip of the water he handed over, then put the cup on the table, and then slowly walked towards the people: "So Xiao Qi can't be alone in that place like this, it's very dangerous, what if he gets hurt?"

Wan Ge really couldn't imagine what those rubbish men would do to him if Ye Qi really drank that drink. Even if they later found out that Ye Qi was not a real girl, they would definitely not let him go, after all, Ye Qi was so beautiful, and who knows if they would do something more disgusting.

Ye Qi still didn't dare to speak, but seemed to feel that Wan Ge didn't mean to blame him.

"Give me the phone."

Ye Qi obediently gave her the phone again.

Wan Ge entered her phone number in it, and she could call me if she had anything in the future. She couldn't go to that kind of place alone again, okay?

Ye Qi nodded gently again, and the hand holding the clothes seemed to gradually let go.

The smile in Wan Ge's eyes became more obvious. She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the face: "Good boy, I'll go back first. You can call me if you have nothing to do."

Wan Ge let him go and left. Ye Qi then checked his phone. When he opened the contact, he found that Wan Ge added an A in front of the note, so the first one in the contact list was her.

When Ye Qi sat on the sofa, his fingertips gently stroked his cheek. Since Wan Ge knew his secret, he had been hiding from her, so he didn't know how she would react when she saw him again.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not reject him, and seemed to be closer than before. I never knew that Wan Ge, who had such a personality, would have such a side.

He would coax him with a gentle tone and worry about his safety.

A few traces of sadness flashed through Ye Qi's beautiful eyes. Wan Ge was like this because of his sister, and she must be much better to his sister than to him.

Ye Qi didn't know why he thought of this, and suddenly felt that it was even more uncomfortable than the way his brother and parents treated his sister before, and he felt a little sad.

Why couldn't Sister Wan Ge like him and not his sister? Why couldn't she just be nice to him?

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