At home, we are family. We don't need to make friends like outside. We need a good character to integrate into the group.

Isn't it easier to please a quiet, sensible and well-behaved child at home?

"Xiao Qi can't fit into my family, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I will be his family in the future." I am the one who really formed a family with him and will be together forever.

At this time, Mr. Xu touched his daughter's head: "And your mother and I, we will always love you the most."

He has only one daughter, and he has treated her as his darling since she was a child. He lets his daughter do whatever she wants. When she grew up and wanted a company, he gave it to her without hesitation. He even thought that it didn't matter if his daughter lost everything, because it would not be difficult for him to make a comeback.

But his daughter is very good, she will not lose everything and will even get better and better.

At this time, Ye Qi and his mother-in-law came out with food. Mrs. Ye liked such a sensible child very much. She was sensible and good-looking.

In fact, they didn't mind what kind of life plan Ye Qi had in the future, even if he didn't work and just stayed with Wan Ge.

After all, Wan Ge likes to work more, and there is always someone who needs to pay.

In general, the Xu family couple are quite satisfied with Ye Qi, but they feel that he is still too young and has little experience. Can he really be a good husband and father?

This question lasted until Wan Ge and he were going upstairs to take a nap. They saw Ye Qi staying with Wan Ge, his beautiful eyes always watching her, and his hands subconsciously protecting her.

Maybe he wanted to support Wan Ge, but he was worried that she would be unhappy, so he could only protect her carefully to prevent any accidents.

When the two of them took a nap, they slept in separate rooms. Wan Ge said it was okay, but Ye Qi's knowledge supplement had gone from what he couldn't eat to some daily life precautions.

After he found out that his wife was pregnant, it was best for the couple to sleep separately, so they separated.

Seeing that the other party was so concerned, Wan Ge had no choice but to agree.

After Wan Ge woke up from a nap, he saw the boy standing at the door of his room with red eyes.

Seeing him like this, Wan Ge's face was full of questions: "What's wrong?"

You can't be bullied in your own home, why are you crying?

Ye Qi gently grasped her clothes with his fingertips, and then said: "Let's not have children, okay?"

Ye Qi studied whenever he had time, originally wanting to take better care of her after pregnancy. As a result, as he read, he saw the dangers that pregnant women face during childbirth.

Seeing what was written above, Ye Qi felt scared instantly, no! He didn't want to lose Wan Ge at all. He could not have children, but he couldn't lose his wife.

"Did you see something?" Wan Ge knew that the other party had been cramming knowledge in this area recently, and he must have seen something.

Ye Qi lowered his head, and Wan Ge touched his head and whispered to comfort him: "It's okay, I promise you that there will be no accidents, I will be fine, and I will accompany you for the rest of my life."

"But..." But what he saw said that the risk was very high.

Wan Ge also stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear: "Besides, now that she is pregnant, she can't just give up the baby."

It is still risky for her to not have a baby now. And the baby produced by the system will not have any problems.

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