Ye Qi has grown up without their care. He has his own favorite person and will soon have his own family. They had lived together before, but he seemed to have lost this child for many years.

Mr. Ye reached out and embraced his wife. Things had already happened. They could only make up for the regrets in the rest of their lives. There was nothing else they could do.

After meeting the parents of both parties, it was their turn to discuss the wedding date.

Ye Qi was about to have summer vacation, so he was always free. So they decided to have it within two months and finally found a suitable date.

Originally, they planned to buy a new house for the two of them, but Wan Ge said no, the house they lived in now was very good.

That house was where Wan Ge originally lived, and the two of them had lived there for a while, so there was no need to move out, and it was indeed very good.

The two parents also agreed, and invited a lot of people to the wedding, but according to Ye Qi's request, the process was not particularly complicated, and the two of them just took the normal oath.

Ye Qi found a very good designer to design a beautiful but comfortable wedding dress for Wan Ge, so that he would not feel tired.

When everyone was busy with the wedding scene, Ye Qi was worried about whether Wan Ge was comfortable or not, and which step could be omitted at that time.

Wan Ge was very beautiful, and actually did not need makeup at all, just some decorations and a good hairstyle.

The marriage between the Ye family and the Xu family was unexpected by everyone. The most unexpected thing was with Ye Qi.

Wan Ge and Ye Yu thought there was no problem, but it turned out to be a young man who had never seen the Ye family.

In fact, many people were not optimistic about such a pair, after all, the woman was so strong and the man was also very confident.

But when they appeared together, and saw that Ye Qi only had Wan Ge in his eyes, saw them looking at each other, and saw those little actions in private, they felt that they were worrying too much.

After the oath, the two became husband and wife. At least in the eyes of others, they were husband and wife.

After that, Ye Qi learned to cook at home, and occasionally he would be busy with work. Yes, he also worked hard, mostly in investment.

If Wan Ge was not pregnant, he probably wanted to have his own company, and then do it well, and finally give it to his wife.

But they have a baby, and since Wan Ge likes to take a leading position in business, he is behind her, the man behind her.

Wan Ge was already six months pregnant on her birthday. In fact, she rarely celebrated her birthday in the past, and sometimes even celebrated it out of town when she was busy with work.

Her parents would pay more attention to it, but Wan Ge always said it was okay and there was no need to celebrate her birthday specially.

Now that she is pregnant, she doesn't want to do anything, just want to have a good time with her husband.

Ye Qi was wearing a beautiful maid outfit and holding food in his hand. Although he had worn many women's clothes before, he had never worn such a style, and he was shy.

But then he thought... Ye Qi had wanted to know what birthday gift Wan Ge wanted before, but he found that he usually bought her what Wan Ge liked, and it seemed that there was no surprise.

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