After Wan Ge came in, all the blood servants went out. Wan Ge changed her clothes and walked into the bath.

But not long after, a pair of hands suddenly hugged her from behind.

Wan Ge looked back at the man who had turned back into the devil. But at this moment, the other party did not look like he did in front of others.

The other party lowered his head and said pitifully: "Your Majesty, I will bathe you."

While saying this, he seemed to really want to help her bathe obediently.

Wan Ge smiled faintly and answered yes.

What was in the other party's mind, could Wan Ge not understand? So no matter how the other party teased her, Wan Ge still seemed unmoved.

When she looked at the other party and was about to come directly, Wan Ge turned around and grabbed his hand, looking at him with her beautiful eyes.

Morses stared at her blood-red eyes, his face full of grievances, looking at her pitifully, obviously asking for love, but it seemed that she bullied him.

Wan Ge approached him and whispered in his ear: "Why, His Majesty Morses is still planning to force it?"

Don't you want to pretend to be pitiful? Just now, seeing that she was unmoved, you are already planning to use a tough approach?

Morses bit her neck directly, hugged her tightly, and said very aggrievedly: "Ange, you don't love me at all."

She didn't love him at all, and he was almost crazy for her. Why could she still treat him so coldly.

Wan Ge hugged her back gently and asked softly: "What about you?"

Does he like the feeling of being bullied by him, or does he like her?

Wan Ge knew that he actually had possessiveness. He was originally a person of such status, and it was normal to have possessiveness.

And his psychological defects also made it easy for him to rely on her and have possessiveness towards her.

But if we really talk about love, Wan Ge certainly knows that he will like her sooner or later, but what about now?

When Morses heard her ask back, he didn't know how to answer for a while. Yes, he was crazy about her, but did he love her? He didn't know... He just didn't want others to have her, but he couldn't help wanting to get close to her and be bullied by her.

So did he love her? Is this love?

Wan Ge didn't hear the other party's answer, but she still didn't say anything, just hugged him and kissed him. Satisfied what he wanted.

Moersis was lying on her bed, and there was no one around her.

At this time, the butler knocked on the door outside and asked carefully: "Your Majesty, are you in there? The elder is looking for you, it seems to be related to the blood clan."

The butler didn't wait for Wan Ge, but only saw Morses coming out and he was the only one.

The butler immediately lowered his head and called softly: "Your Majesty Morses."

Moersis didn't pay attention to the other party, just planning to find Wan Ge.

Seeing that Morses was about to leave, the butler immediately said, "Your Majesty Morses, have you seen Her Majesty the Queen? The elder wants to see her for something very important."

Morses stopped when he asked this, staring at the butler in front of him, who usually knew the whereabouts of Wan Ge the best: "Don't you know where she went?"

Morses did not feel her presence in the castle, which meant that she was not here either.

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