At first, they thought that it was because Her Majesty the Queen also liked humans, so Her Majesty the Queen did not allow them to oppose the relationship between Carlo and humans.

But now that they know that the object of Her Majesty the Queen's affection is actually the Demon King, they can't understand why Her Majesty the Queen would oppose it? Oppose them to bring Carlo back to deal with it.

It's really too much. Her Majesty is dating the Demon King, and then she said that it's shameful to date a human? Why doesn't she go and date a human herself, hum!

"Go to the human world?" Wan Ge asked the people around him.

Morses frowned: "Don't you support them to be together? Don't you object?"

Why does she still want to see that annoying man? She really should kill him and put an end to it.

"What are you talking about? I mean we go to see Harson. I look forward to his current life." Harson has been raised by the original owner since he was a child. Although there are no people of the same kind around him, the original owner is very good to him and uses the best things.

And he never needs Harsen to work, let alone donate blood.

Originally, for the original owner, human life is very short, but it is fleeting, and it doesn't matter if he is kept by his side all the time, and it is not that he can't afford to support him.

But he betrayed the original owner, and he should get his original punishment.

When Wan Ge saw Harsen, he was outside a bar, and in front of him was a wild vampire. This means that the vampires who are not in the demon world are not managed by the demon world.

Wild vampires in the human world generally do not take the lives of ordinary humans, because they have a long lifespan, so they have certain financial resources in the human world. Similarly, if they encounter blood they like very much, they will also trade, but... wild vampires, if they can't control themselves, it is easy for an ordinary human to die of excessive blood loss.

Harsen recognized Wan Ge standing next to Morses at a glance, with a little excitement in his eyes: "Your Majesty!"

Is she here to take him back? He doesn't want to continue his impoverished life in the human world at all.

The vampires around Harson seemed to sense their unusual identities, so they let Harson go and disappeared.

When Harson wanted to step forward, Wan Ge took a step back.

Harson could read and write, and had the life skills he should have, but he was unwilling to start slowly and was unwilling to give up.

Wan Ge had expected this situation early on, because the original owner had never hurt him, and had people teach him and let him live a very comfortable life, but he always hated the original owner, which showed that this person had a bad heart and could not work hard to make himself live better like ordinary people.

Wan Ge said slowly with a faint smile on his lips: "Harson, isn't this the free life you want? Haven't you always wanted to leave the vampires? It's ridiculous."

He always wanted to leave the vampires, and now he returns to the human world, but relies on blood to exchange for the money he wants.

When Wan Ge said he would take him back to the human world, although he didn't say anything, he couldn't hide the happiness in his eyes, and Wan Ge saw it at a glance.

"No, it's not like that." This is not the life he wants at all. It is completely different from what he imagined.

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