It was easy to deal with the other party being drunk and unconscious. He would not wake up for a while, so Wan Ge quickly tied him up.

When Morses heard this answer, his cheeks flushed slightly, because he was also familiar with this matter.

At that time, it was not long after he had just exposed his identity as the Demon King, and he was still around her every day. But he was not as entangled as now.

At that time, he saw her servant and brought her a glass of wine. Morses had never drunk wine before, and he felt a little curious when he saw her drinking.

Wan Ge also saw that he seemed to want to drink, so he handed it to him.

Morses blushed and drank a sip according to her position. He didn't remember what happened afterwards, but it seemed that it was not a bad thing, but he didn't like the feeling of being drunk.

And he was awakened by the other party, otherwise he didn't know how long he would sleep.

Morses didn't know how long his brother would sleep, until their wedding was successfully completed and the other party didn't show up.

On the wedding day, Wan Ge wore a bright red dress and held the ceremony with him hand in hand.

But their ceremony did not believe in gods, because they were originally the opposite of gods.

Their wedding ceremony was to conclude contracts, various contracts. The contract they concluded was a contract of life and death, binding lives together forever, which was also the highest oath of the demon world wedding.

That night, Wan Ge returned to the room after taking a bath and saw the timid man who tied himself up.

His behavior some time ago was completely unlike that of a person with that kind of special hobby. Wan Ge was still thinking that this was all in the past, but now...

Morsis looked at the woman in front of him, and his beautiful eyes seemed to have a little more pleading: "Your Majesty... Please let me go."

Since the other party liked this, Wan Ge could only cooperate and sat on him directly: "Let you go? You are dreaming, what's mine is always mine."

"Your Majesty... um..."



Wan Ge lay beside him, and the other party gently grasped her hand, looking at her with aggrieved eyes, the tears in the corners of his eyes had not completely dried, and now he looked like he was bullied.

"..." Wan Ge thought of the man who just shouted no while working hard.

Wan Ge gently pinched his chin with her fingertips and asked the other party to look at her: "Didn't you just say no?"

The next second, Morsis picked her up and sat on him again, looking at her with beautiful eyes: "Your Majesty is such a bastard, you want to bully me again."

? ? ? ?

Who is bullying who! Bullying me because I can't beat him?

At the beginning, only the housekeeper and the elder knew that it was actually Her Majesty the Queen who was "bullying" His Majesty the Demon King. Gradually, everyone around them seemed to know.

Her Majesty the Queen is particularly fierce, and His Majesty the Demon King is henpecked, so you must not offend Her Majesty the Queen.

Wan Ge looked at the elder who was several meters away from him. Could he still eat him?

The elder lowered his head, thinking that it would be better not to get too close to His Majesty the Demon King, a woman who was so scary and bowed her head.

At this time, Morses came out from the other side again.

The elder didn't know what happened between them, but he saw Her Majesty the Queen of the Blood Clan biting His Majesty the Demon King and sucking his blood.

Her Majesty the Queen bullied His Majesty the Demon King again.


① I like to be bullied, but I only like to be bullied by you.

② No one can take you away from me, not even my brothers!

③Suddenly I realized that the first person you conquered was not my body, but my heart.


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