Wan Ge looked at the small flying insects like this, and was a little curious. She asked softly, "Is this also a Gu insect?"

Cang Mu's eyes were gentle, and there was a gentle smile on his beautiful face: "No, this is a burning insect, and it will burn when it encounters dry branches."

Wan Ge had not had time to ask the other party why it would help them light the fire obediently, and saw a red butterfly fall on Cang Mu's hand.

At this time, Cang Mu pulled her hand again, and when he gently approached his hand, the red butterfly fell on Wan Ge's hand.

"This is a Gu I made specially. It can imitate the calls or vibrations of any animals or insects to attract them to come closer. The burning insect just now was attracted by it. If you want to see something, think about it in your heart and it will sense it."

Wan Ge listened to what the other party said, closed his eyes, and thought of the white peacock he met.

The red butterfly flapped its wings, and not long after, a white peacock flew over.

It was obviously not the same one they encountered, but it should be nearby, so it came so quickly.

But I didn't hear the call of the Gu in my hand just now. Can only the specific exchange be heard?

"It's a bit magical." It's like using magic. It's hard to imagine that it can be done in a world without magic.

But I heard that in addition to Gu, Nanyuan also has a kind of witchcraft. It's just that witchcraft is very difficult, even getting started is difficult, and people who know witchcraft are rare.

At this time, the white peacock slowly walked towards them, and it seemed that it was not afraid of seeing humans.

The white peacock stood beside Cangmu and looked at the two people curiously.

"So cute." Its action of looking at itself is really cute, beautiful and cute.

"You can touch it." Cangmu saw that she liked it so much, so he gently said this to her.

When Wan Ge reached out, the white peacock did not dodge, and even moved his head close to her.

The fluff on its head is soft and feels good to touch.

Wan Ge was thinking that this journey seemed to be okay for now, and there was no danger. At this moment, the white peacock flew away in fear.

Wan Ge was startled and fell backwards and was caught by Cang Mu.

Cang Mu hugged his wife tightly and carefully supported her to prevent her from bumping.

When Wan Ge looked up, she saw a big snake rushing towards them not far in front of her.

She had seen snakes bigger than this one, but the original owner had never seen one. When she encountered such a big snake, and it suddenly jumped out, Wan Ge was obviously scared.

However, with her general's demeanor, she quickly calmed down.

At this time, she drew her sword directly, turned around and said to Cang Mu: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Obviously, she was the one who was afraid just now, but at this moment, she could still say such words to him so seriously.

Cang Mu's lips rose unconsciously again, his wife is good. But…

“Wan Ge, let me do it.”


Wan Ge didn’t even react. She saw Cang Mu slightly raised his hand, and many purple butterflies flew out and entangled the big snake.

I don’t know if the big snake was annoyed by the entanglement or what, so it turned around and ran away, but the butterflies followed it.

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