Cang Mu said softly: "Have you heard that if you like someone in Nanyuan, you will put a love Gu on her and trick her back home."

"You mean you put a love Gu on me? When did it happen?" How come I don't know at all?

Cang Mu didn't say anything else.

Wan Ge found out later that this man put a love Gu on her the first time he saw her.

Her love for him was real love, but the other party didn't think so. The other party just thought that the love Gu worked.

And Wan Ge also learned from Cang Lan that love Gu normally makes the person who put it on like more and more.

Wan Ge knew about this, and she didn't need to ask the other party to remove it for her. Because she knew that Cang Mu had no confidence in himself, so if she didn't remove it, he wouldn't have any worries.

In this case, let his Gu stay on her, so that he wouldn't think about it, and he would be very happy.


Cang Mu also fulfilled his promise and took her back to Beige to see his uncle every year.

General Chu, who was over seventy years old, looked at their ageless appearance and had some doubts in his heart.

It suddenly reminded him that more than ten years ago, Wan Ge held a golden butterfly and said it was the immortality Gu, saying that it could make him live longer.

But General Chu refused. He didn't need such a rare thing, and his grandchildren were about to be born at that time, so he didn't care so much as an old man. And he was actually very happy to live to this age.

He was used to death and was much calmer when facing death.

Later, Wan Ge and Cang Mu were shopping on the streets of Beige, and suddenly met the emperor traveling.

Wan Ge stood aside and saw such a scene, so he took a closer look. Seeing that the man on the sedan had already entered middle age. Because of the immortality Gu, Ji Yuan looked only about 20 years old, and with her deliberate dressing, she looked more like a pretty girl.

But the person closest to Ye Kaifan was not her. There was another girl next to Ye Kaifan. She was not particularly beautiful, but Ye Kaifan seemed to be very good to him.

Ye Kaifan seemed to have sensed something, and subconsciously looked in her direction. Of course, two people with such outstanding looks can be seen at a glance.

But the moment Ye Kaifan looked at her, Wan Ge had already turned her head away.

Ye Kaifan's expression was particularly complicated, and there was an unconcealable loss in his eyes. Ji Yuan took a look but said nothing.

I once thought that this man would love me forever. But I didn't expect that even if I didn't grow old, he would never love only me.

Cangmu looked at the woman in front of him who was carefully selecting things for him, and there was a faint smile on his lips. Wan Ge was looking at things seriously, and Cangmu's eyes were full of her.

In the end, Wan Ge chose a very strange little jar, but it looked very beautiful.

"Why buy this?" Cangmu was a little confused. The gift she gave him was not jewelry, but just some beautiful little jars.

Wan Ge replied softly: "I can install Gu worms for you in the future."

After Cang Mu was able to practice Gu, she still practiced occasionally, but the direction of development became more and more strange. Many Gu worms were deliberately trying to please her and make her happy.

Cang Mu suddenly asked: "Then will you practice Gu with me in the future?"

"Is it difficult?"

"Not difficult."

"In that case, I will try it too."

Later, Wan Ge found out that what he said was not difficult was a lie.


① I don't care why you love me, as long as you love me.

② You will never know that in addition to Gu, I also know witchcraft. My witchcraft predicts the future, and my future is you.

③ It's not that I don't want to be honest with you, but because I love you, I hope I will always be beautiful in your heart.

—— Cang Mu

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