This world is a story of a rich family holding a child by mistake. Generally speaking, the real young master should be the male protagonist, but this world is different. The real young master is the villain.

The villain is also really miserable. The villain was originally the only heir of the famous family. But the hospital made a mistake when he was born.

At that time, neither of the parents knew that after the male protagonist's biological parents finished their confinement, they took the villain away from the hospital directly. On the way home, they went to the mall to buy things, and the villain was taken away by someone without paying attention.

At that time, there were not so many surveillance cameras, so it was impossible to investigate who took the villain away through surveillance.

The male protagonist's family conditions were also good, but the villain was not so lucky and was taken away by human traffickers.

The human traffickers have not found a suitable buyer, so they sold it to another type of human traffickers who are professional beggars.

They make children disabled or deformed when they are young, and then send them to various crowded places to sell their disabilities and beg.

Because the little villain looks very good and cute, they didn't think of making him disabled at first. With his cuteness, he could beg for a lot of money when he was young.

When the villain was about five years old, they were not satisfied with the money he could beg every day. Seeing that he was so handsome, if he was still disabled, others would definitely pity him more.

So they had the idea of ​​crippling the villain, but when they were executing it, the law enforcement officers who had been paying attention to them for a long time finally found them.

So the villain was rescued from the hands of the traffickers, but later because the villain's relatives could not be found, he was sent to the welfare home with other children who also had not found their relatives.

The villain was not talkative. When he was a child, he was beaten less than other children because he begged more money, so those children there excluded him a little.

After being in the welfare home, he was excluded by the children in other welfare homes. It can be said that the villain's life in the welfare home was not easy.

When he was seven years old, the villain finally ushered in his good life. A middle-aged couple adopted him.

The husband was an ordinary white-collar worker and the wife was a housewife. Although they could not be said to be very wealthy, their conditions were still pretty good.

Although he was not their biological son, he was better than their biological son, and the couple treated him very well.

But when the villain was eleven years old, his adoptive father took the blame for the company's leader, and finally couldn't stand the public opinion and jumped off the building to commit suicide.

Not only did his adoptive mother have to support him, but she also had to bear the debt owed by his adoptive father. At the same time, his adoptive mother worked multiple jobs, and finally her body couldn't stand it and collapsed.

Treatment requires a lot of medical expenses, and the debt has long crushed the family. The villain was only sixteen years old at the time, and he was still in high school. It was impossible for him to have a job, and the meager scholarship could not afford the cost of treating his mother.

After his adoptive mother passed away, the villain stayed at home for two weeks before taking the final exam.

His mother's biggest wish was to see him grow up well, get into a key university, and make a name for himself in the future.

In order to fulfill his mother's wish, the sixteen-year-old boy began to find ways to do the work he could do and earn his own tuition.

When he was seventeen and in his third year of high school, the Yun family discovered that the male protagonist was not their biological son, so they started looking for their own child and finally found the villain.

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