Ange worked so hard to make money in the human world, and climbed up step by step to become the head of the family in the blood clan, so does she care about these things?

Wange, who was processing documents, suddenly heard someone next to her ask: "Ange, do you want to be the queen?"

Want to be his queen? The king of the blood clan or the devil.

Wange didn't hear what he said clearly at first, because more of her attention was on the contract in her hand, but suddenly she realized what the other party said, and immediately stopped writing and looked back at him: "What did you just say?"

Moussi didn't have any boredom, and said again obediently: "Do you want to be the queen? Or the king is also fine."

If she wants to work hard to stand high, then she doesn't need to work hard to help her reach the top.

Wange didn't understand why the other party suddenly had this idea, but the subconscious reaction was that he wanted to kill Jonas again.

This male protagonist is too humble, the villain wants to kill him when he disagrees with him.

Wan Ge shook her head gently and replied: "I don't have this idea. You see, I'm busy enough dealing with family affairs now. If I take on other positions, I will definitely be even busier. I might as well spend more time with you."

Wan Ge kissed him after saying this, and then said: "I have asked the directors to start looking for a new head of the family. By then, I won't even have to deal with my own family affairs, and I can be at ease to accompany you forever."

The directors' first reaction was of course to disagree, but suddenly they remembered the generation of adults around her, the one that the devil and the king were afraid of, and they immediately nodded in agreement.

When Wan Ge discussed this issue with the directors, Mu Xi went to find the most beautiful roses in full bloom that day for him, so she didn't know about this.

Mu Xi was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she smiled instantly and said softly: "Ange, I love you so much."

She always knows what he is thinking, always knows what he wants, and can always give him what he likes and surprise him.

Wan Ge touched his head: "I love you too."

Wan Ge could feel that it was not just because the characters in each world were different and fresh that she was not tired of him. It was because she really loved him more and more. Even after going through so many things and such a long time, she would only want to be with him forever more and more.

What Musi could feel, he could actually feel it a long time ago, but he was still afraid, afraid that this was all an illusion, afraid that it was not true. He was also afraid of losing her, and afraid that he would be deceived, so he still had concerns and worries.

It is said that loving someone is unconditional trust, but Musi could not do it. He could not trust her unconditionally because he was always afraid of losing her.

But as long as it was not about separating from him, no matter what she did, Musi would always stand on her side.

Soon the light of dusk fell on Wan Ge. After a day of processing, many troublesome things were solved.

Wan Ge has already talked to some of the vampires who have conflicting interests with other vampires. The main reason is that there is a vampire of the first generation around her, and the current vampires basically dare not have any direct conflicts with her.

The whole vampire clan knows that Musi is with Wan Ge.

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