Gu Wang still didn't want to tell her the bad things, so he shook his head gently.

Seeing that he didn't want to talk, Wan Ge didn't insist on asking, but: "By the way, my family's business is very compatible with Mr. Gu. I wonder if Mr. Gu is interested in this."

Gu Wang paused for a moment, and suddenly remembered Wan Ge's last name. He really didn't investigate her background.

"What is Miss Qi's family?"

Wan Ge answered him: "It's involved in all aspects, but the biggest business is still in clothing."

After the other party said this, Gu Wang was basically sure.

Wan Ge spoke again: "When I just came to the company, I saw that many of Mr. Gu's employees made clothes with their own materials, so I was very interested in Mr. Gu's company and looked forward to it."

Gu Wang didn't care whether the other party would really find him to cooperate, but it was indeed a good opportunity for him now: "Then thank you Miss Qi first, you can ask someone to come and learn about it later."

Wan Ge looked at the other party's unfamiliar address to herself: "You can just call me Wan Ge."

The original owner had a stage name in the entertainment industry, so few people knew her real name.

Gu Wang was stunned for a moment and replied, "My name is Gu Wang."

Gu Wang took her to a restaurant with good conditions. In fact, Gu Wang himself rarely came here. He would only bring others here when he met special guests.

Usually, his assistant would buy him a box lunch at this time, or he would go to the cafeteria to eat employee meals. For someone who has experienced so many things, being able to eat is already a very happy thing.

If he had not seen his partner die in front of him because he had no money for treatment, he might not have tried so hard to make money.

In fact, Gu Wang spends a lot of money on welfare homes every year, and some of it is to set up some funds in fixed hospitals to treat poor and poor people.

However, no one knows what Gu Wang did.

Later, the world only knows that Gu Wang is an ungrateful demon who doesn't even recognize his father when he has money, and finally kills his father with his own hands.

After dinner, Gu Wang proposed to send her home. Wan Ge agreed. After all, she took a taxi here just to wait for the other party to say this.

Wan Ge put on her hat and mask again and left the restaurant with the villain.

When she went out and walked down the stairs, Wan Ge deliberately tripped and fell directly into Gu Wang's arms.

Gu Wang felt the fragrance on her body and blushed unconsciously. He quickly helped her and let go of her hand in an instant.

Seeing the other party so shy, Wan Ge expressed special satisfaction: "Thank you."

"No... You're welcome..." Gu Wang was a little nervous when he spoke. I thought that he, who had seen many storms, would never be nervous.

Wan Ge smiled again, stretched out her hand and held his fingertips.

Gu Wang looked down at her, but still didn't let go.

When Wan Ge returned to the door of her house, she added him as a friend. Then she watched Gu Wang leave and called her brother.

The Qi family is now managed by the original owner's brother. The original owner owns 40% of the shares, and the brother is the same. The brother loves his sister very much, and the sister trusts her brother very much, so the two of them have never had any conflicts over family property.

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