Because whether it was an accidental fall or someone deliberately pushed him down, the marks of falling down the stairs were the same. Even after many comparisons, I didn't think there was any problem.

As for Gu Wang's confession, he was still such a young child at the time and could not be used as evidence.

But the domestic violence incident was confirmed.

When the official news was released, everyone was stunned and completely dumbfounded.

Because in their eyes, the scumbag father was a father who had been looking for his child for many years and was now extremely poor and pitiful. Now the sudden reversal made them completely unbelievable.

Wan Ge also explained the true story of Gu Wang to everyone.

Gu Wang was not originally called this name. He was a child who suffered from domestic violence. He was not lost at the age of twelve. He escaped from that terrible family by himself.

[I hope that every lost child can return to his parents, I hope that every married girl will not be harmed by domestic violence, and I hope that every child can have a beautiful and complete childhood. 】

After this incident came out, a large number of netizens began to reflect on themselves, and some came out to apologize, saying that they were sorry that they did not know the truth at the beginning, and they cheered and hoped that Gu Wang would quickly accept his father.

This reminded some people of a drama they had seen before, in which a man sent a video to find his girlfriend and confessed to her.

But in fact, the man was a domestic violence man. When the girl was about to escape from him, she was informed by the taxi driver about the man, and finally the man was taken back.

The driver thought he had done a good thing and accomplished a beautiful thing. He thought he had helped a pair of lovers, but he didn't know that he pushed the girl into the abyss.

Some netizens said: [I never cheer at the proposal scene on the street, because I don't know whether it will push the girl to the door of happiness or the abyss of hell. ]

It's just that they didn't expect that such a plot would happen to a father and son. It turns out that there really is a father who is a demon.

They also suddenly understood why Gu Wang's father wanted to make such a sensation, just to use the power of public opinion to put pressure on Gu Wang.

I also understand why it is always Wan Ge who posts these things, because Gu Wang is not willing to tell others about something that has tortured him for so long.

After that, many neighbors and teachers who had lived with Gu Wang spoke out.

The neighbors originally thought that they were a loving couple, but they didn't expect...

However, the neighbors can testify that Gu Wang's scumbag father often came home drunk. As for whether there was domestic violence, they really didn't know about their own family affairs behind closed doors.

It's just that in front of outsiders, the husband has always played the role of loving his wife and children very much.

I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that he would be such a terrible person.

The teacher also said that Gu Wang's state was not right when he went to school before, because his state was very different from other students, so he had an impression of him, but he didn't expect that it was really because of such a thing at home.

The teacher actually did an interview, but he didn't meet Gu Wang's mother, and couldn't get anything out of his father, so there was no follow-up.

But Wan Ge didn’t expect that someone would say that he personally witnessed the truth of the scumbag father pushing Gu Wang’s mother down the stairs.

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