Mu Qiluan didn't care whether Yun Shangshu would agree to the marriage or not. He knew that the other party would definitely not refuse, and he couldn't refuse it.

But... Mu Qiluan felt so uncomfortable when he thought that Wan Ge would refuse to marry him. He didn't even want to think about that scene.

Yun Shangshu felt the pressure from the other party and almost wanted to kneel down to him. He finally knew why others said that he looked like a demon. It was probably because of his momentum.

When the other party was talking nicely, Yun Shangshu thought it was okay and there was no big problem. But after he was obviously angry, he was completely different.

Yun Shangshu was scared at that time. He thought that there was no way. Even if his daughter didn't want to, he had to persuade her well, otherwise she didn't know if she could see the sun tomorrow: "Of course... not..."


Mu Qiluan stayed for a while and planned to go back to the general's mansion because of something.

As soon as he stepped out of the door of the front hall, he saw a little girl running on the corridor.

Wan Ge heard that he was leaving, and ran out barefoot.

Mu Qiluan frowned, looking at the other person like this, it seems that he is not particularly happy.

Mu Qiluan came to her side in an instant and picked her up. How could she step on the ground without shoes in such cold weather?

The maid also ran out with her shoes and heavy fox fur. When the lady heard that the general was leaving, she lifted the quilt and came out.

Mu Qiluan wrapped the other person with fox fur, then put the person on the chair next to her, took the shoes from the maid, squatted on the ground, and put on the shoes for her.

Wan Ge's eyes fell on him: "Brother, are you going back?"

After the general had dinner, the other party said that he would take her home, and Wan Ge agreed.

The original owner was too worried because she knew he was coming back, and she didn't sleep well all night, which made her body a little tired. On the way back, she leaned on the other party's warm chest and fell asleep.

Mu Qiluan looked at the other's slightly red feet. Doesn't his baby know how delicate he is? His cheeks and nose are red after a little cold, and now his feet are cold again. What should he do if he gets sick?

"Well, I have something to do, so I'll go back first." I thought she should be asleep, so I didn't disturb her, but I didn't expect her to run out.

Wan Ge seemed a little disappointed, but she just hugged his neck and kissed the corner of his lips, and seemed to have a bit of a coquettish tone: "Brother, marry me quickly, okay?"

Mu Qiluan felt his head buzzing, and his heart beat very fast when he heard the words of the delicate little girl.

Wan Ge didn't say anything, the other party's slender fingers clasped her chin, and a passionate kiss fell on her lips.

Mu Qiluan didn't know how to kiss at all, but men have always been self-taught in this regard. The other party's aggressive kiss almost made Wan Ge breathless.

When Mu Qiluan let go of her, his cheeks and eyes were red, and his mouth was slightly swollen.

Mu Qiluan touched her lightly helplessly: "You are so spoiled."

His spoiled wife.

How could she not be spoiled? Yun Shangshu held his precious daughter in his hands. She was the only child of his parents, so of course they loved her very much. She had been pampered since she was a child, and she had never been touched by rough or heavy work. All the best things were used on her.

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