After I got pregnant, he was very careful in everything he did. Sometimes, he was still awake and didn't know what he was doing when I fell asleep.

And Wan Ge also found that he had nightmares more and more frequently. Sometimes he would sweat all over his body when he took a nap.

Thinking of what the maid said before, Wan Ge knew that he was worried. But now I really don't know how to comfort him.

I can only ask the doctor to say more words to comfort him every time after the doctor examined her body.

Looking at the anxious general, the doctor also assured him again and again that nothing would happen, but Mu Qiluan would not believe it.

Wan Ge had no choice but to stay by his side to accompany him, so that he would not be depressed before he was depressed.

Mu Qiluan looked at Wan Ge in front of him, and then looked down, his whole body tensed, and then he hugged his wife and turned over carefully and landed on the ground steadily.

"Wan Ge!!! How did you get up there!" Mu Qiluan wanted to see his wife from this tree, but he didn't expect to fall asleep while staying there.

But! How did Wan Ge get up there!

Wan Ge blinked innocently: "I climbed up."

She saw that he was in a bad mood, so she climbed up.

Climbing a tree is a very easy thing for her, and she climbed up in a few steps.

"Call Eleven!" Eleven was the name of the female doctor. After hearing what the general said, the guard turned around and asked for the doctor.

"Really not! I'm fine!"

Mu Qiluan wanted to hug her tightly but didn't dare to hug her too tightly. This feeling was too uncomfortable... He was too afraid of losing him: "Don't do this kind of thing in the future!"

This was the first time that Mu Qiluan spoke to Wan Ge in such a serious voice. Wan Ge nodded obediently, but also said to the person in front of him: "Then you have to promise me not to go to sleep on the tree."

Mu Qiluan also nodded in agreement.

Soon the doctor came, felt Wan Ge's pulse and asked about his physical condition, and found nothing unusual.

Then he looked at Mu Qiluan again and repeated tirelessly: "General, don't worry, your wife is not so fragile, and the general is also... It's not good to worry too much, and it will make your wife uneasy."

Mu Qiluan was slightly stunned when he heard the last sentence. Yes... He was too nervous, too worried and too scared, and he would make his wife uneasy.

"I know..."

After that, Wan Ge could see Mu Qiluan, who was very relaxed in front of him every time. Wan Ge wanted to speak and persuade him not to pretend, but still didn't say anything.


Until the birth of the child, the delivery process was still very smooth. After giving birth, Wan Ge was in a very good state.

Mu Qiluan was relieved to hear that his wife was fine, and ran in very nervously. Just about two meters away from Wan Ge's bed, Mu Qiluan fell down with a plop.

Wan Ge was startled, and so were the others.

Wan Ge wanted to get up, but the female doctor who had been taking care of her told her not to move, and asked someone to help Mu Qiluan up and send him to the chaise longue.

After taking his pulse and checking his condition, she told Wan Ge: "Don't worry, he's fine, he's just been too nervous recently, and now he can relax, but he can't recover for a while."

His nerves had been tense and tense before, and now he could finally relax, and he fainted.

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