Chu Yunshu felt that he had slept for a long time yesterday, and he had never slept so comfortably, but why was he so sleepy yesterday?

Wan Ge gently touched his head with her fingertips and said very gently: "Are you awake?"

Chu Yunshu's beautiful eyes were full of confusion. She looked at the person in front of her with a little bit of confusion, but she did not make any rejection.

Slowly regaining consciousness, she remembered why the person in front of her appeared beside her.

Chu Yunshu obediently approached her and rubbed her face. At this moment, he was like a docile kitten.

Wan Ge looked at the handsome face and gentle look of the boy, and was moved... Isn't this too obedient?

Wan Ge couldn't control herself, and her fingertips gently passed through the boy's hair, and lowered her head to kiss the boy on the forehead.

Chu Yunshu kissed her lips directly, and Wan Ge's beautiful eyes were still a little surprised.

Chu Yunshu's eyes dimmed for a moment. He remembered... Yesterday, the other party also kissed him like this. Although he was fuzzy, he was still conscious. It was she who kissed him.

Ruanruan: What do you mean by kissing? The adults are obviously giving you artificial respiration.

Wange quickly pulled the person up to wash and brush his teeth, and then fed him breakfast. Chu Yunshu didn't know if it was because of the company, he felt that his mood was much more stable and he ate a little more.

After dinner, Wan Ge looked at the little villain who was sticking to him, and said softly: "What does Xiao Shuer usually do at this time?"

Chu Yunshu lowered his head and didn't speak. He should be in a daze at this time. He didn't know what he had done, and he wouldn't remember what he had done.

Chu Yunshu just leaned against her gently and didn't speak.

Wange didn't care, and picked up a book casually: "I don't know what to do, so let's read a book, okay?"

Chu Yunshu nodded, and the person still relied on Wane, but his eyes had already fallen on the book in his hand.

After a while, the only sound in the room was the sound of flipping books.

It was lunchtime, and Wan Ge took the lunch brought by the servant and glanced at the soup beside him...

When Chu Yunshu was eating, Wan Ge asked him to drink more soup, but she didn't drink a single sip.

Chu Yunshu's eyes were full of the girl in front of him. He ate whatever the other party gave him, and he didn't remember what he had eaten at all.

Half an hour later, Chu Yunshu felt particularly sleepy, and Wan Ge took his hand and said that they would take a nap together.

Chu Yunshu didn't refuse.

The small system gently asked Wan Ge: [Master... did you give the little villain sleeping pills? ]

Why is the little villain so sleepy?

Wan Ge shook her head: "During the day, he was given normal depression treatment medicine, which might make him a little sleepy. I only put a little hypnotic medicine at night."

She has a good control of the dosage and there will be no problem.

I just feel sorry for the boy in front of me. He will only feel sleepy when he relies on medicine.

Chu Yunshu didn't know about this. He just felt that he felt relieved because Wan Ge came to him... and he could sleep.

When Chu Yunshu got up, there was no one around him. He felt empty in an instant... He stood up, looked around, and finally found someone on the balcony.

Wan Ge was sitting on the balcony, enjoying the breeze, with a cup of tea in front of her. She looked into the distance and didn't know what she was thinking.

Chu Yunshu lowered his head and held his clothes tightly with both hands.

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