After Wan Ge had been with Shen Qingnian for about a month, Mr. and Mrs. Shen found that their son would take the initiative to talk to them, and he didn't feel so distant from them.

More importantly, during a traditional festival that was about to come, Shen Qingnian actually took the initiative to go home and celebrate with them.

Shen Qingnian actually wanted to tell his parents about things related to Wan Ge, and Shen Qingnian wanted to find a more reliable person to implement his plan.

He didn't know anyone at all, so it would be best to ask his father for help. It would be much more polite to say this kind of thing in person, so he made such a suggestion.

Although Shen Qingnian really hoped that Wan Ge could go home with him, at this time and for this kind of thing, he should have said it alone. He had to wait until he had a good chat before he could bring his beloved home to meet his parents.

Because he had made a decision and planned to say it in person, he didn't tell his parents about his relationship with Wan Ge.

There are still four days before the festival, and Shen Qingnian still needs to prepare himself mentally. His father has said that he will send a driver to pick him up, and he is also thinking about what time is better.

But Shen Qingnian did not expect to see his parents two days before the festival.

He was taking a nap that day. Now he basically lives with Wan Ge. Although they just sleep in the same bed and do nothing, Shen Qingnian, who knows nothing, feels that it is already a very close thing.

He woke up in a daze that afternoon, and just opened the door a crack, but suddenly heard a voice outside, which was very familiar and strange to him.

Familiar because occasionally I would hear what my parents said to me on social software, and strange because I haven't heard their voices in reality for a long time.

But Shen Qingnian never thought that the content of their chat would make him extremely uncomfortable.

"Dr. He really thanks you, Nian Nian is willing to see us." He never thought that his child would be willing to take the initiative to see them one day. God knows how much their mood has fluctuated in the past few days.

This doctor is really amazing. Although he could feel the changes from some daily chats about reporting safety, he never thought that in just over a month, he could make Nian Nian take the initiative to go home and celebrate the holidays with them.

He came here to thank the doctor today, because the two of them didn't mention living together, so the parents didn't know yet.

They didn't expect that their son would hear this conversation. They didn't expect that their son would live here.

So Shen Qingnian was particularly shocked. When he opened the door and saw the three people standing up, his eyes couldn't help but redden, and all his eyes fell on Wan Ge.

At that moment, he really regretted why he woke up, why he opened the door, and why he heard their conversation.

It turned out that Wan Ge was a doctor, and everything she did for him was just to treat himself. He also said why Wan Ge wanted him to know other people's lives and let him integrate into society.

He originally just thought... thought she was planning for the future of the two of them, and felt that he shouldn't be like this, but... everything he did was just to treat him, and everything was a lie to him.

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