Wei Shengyi hummed obediently. He was not actually hungry, but just felt a little tired. My wife is so amazing...

"What are you thinking about?" As soon as he saw me, my husband's face turned red. It's so cute! The way this world is opened is so cool.

Wei Shengyi shook his head and dared not speak!

Wan Ge hugged the other party and kissed him directly on his Adam's apple. Wei Shengyi's cheeks became even redder, and he immediately shook his head when he heard the other party's question.

"Don't tell the truth to my wife? Huh?" He must have thought of something that made him blush, otherwise he wouldn't be so shy.

Wei Shengyi shook his head even more. How should he tell her! My wife, please don't ask such questions, okay?

Wei Shengyi wanted to change the subject urgently, and then remembered... "My wife... Should we serve tea to my parents first?"

Although it is very late now, it should not be delayed.

"It's okay, eat first. I've already told my parents this morning that we'll go serve them tea in the afternoon." They've all been young before, so they'll understand.

Wei Shengyi hummed again in a low voice.

Before the food comes, and the person he's holding is in his arms, he has to make things clear: "So, can you tell me why you think I like the empress?"

At that time yesterday, how could he ask the reason, so it's time to talk now when we can talk properly.

"I..." Wei Shengyi remembered again, remembering to ask himself who he liked again and again: "I don't know... it's just..."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"It's just that I feel that my wife treats His Majesty very differently..." A feeling that can't be described, always feeling that my wife can help anyone but she chose Si Kou Lingyue.

"What about me to you?" He does treat Si Kou Lingyue a little differently, after all, she is also one of his mission targets, and she is also the empress, so naturally she is different. But all his love and likes are only for this person next to him, is it because he didn't do well enough and didn't let him feel it?

When Wei Shengyi was asked this question, his mind quickly recalled every bit of their time together... It seemed that his wife treated him differently.

Wei Shengyi seemed to be more certain that his wife liked him more. When he was about to apologize to her, he heard her say, "I only like you. I only love you in this world."

I don't hate all creatures. I respect, understand, admire, respect, and sympathize with some. But I only like and love you.

Wei Shengyi's heart beat very fast. Even though it was not the first time she said she liked him, he would be moved every time he heard it, especially at this moment.

After lunch, the two went to serve tea to Mr. An and Mr. An.

Mr. An was particularly satisfied with this son-in-law. He looked very well-behaved and his attitude when serving tea to them was also very respectful.

He was elegant and looked like a well-educated nobleman.

He couldn't help but think of the fact that some people had suspected that his son-in-law was actually the general. The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous it seemed. How could it be possible? How could such a docile and well-behaved son-in-law be the legendary general who was so resolute and murderous?

Although he respected the general very much, in their eyes, men were more docile, well-behaved, gentle and elegant.

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