Ye Zhi always felt that he shouldn't be in the same room with her, they were not familiar with each other at all.

Wan Ge reached out and hugged him, leaned against him gently, and then said: "You are already my husband, please don't leave."

If it was someone else, Wan Ge would never be able to get close to him, but he would not be unfamiliar with him no matter how many times he changed his face.

Ye Zhi felt his heartbeat a little faster, as if he didn't feel this way even when he swore. Now the other party's hug made him excited.

Ye Zhi looked down at the other party. She was very beautiful. How could she not be beautiful as a national goddess? But he was not amazed by her beauty at first.

Now looking at her beautiful eyes, he felt an indescribable heartbeat.

Ye Zhi was silent for a long time, and finally asked: "Do you like me?"

Shouldn't she be the same as him? He got married because he felt it didn't matter.

Wan Ge smiled, her beautiful eyes were a little gentle, and she was particularly serious: "I like it, I like it very much."

Ye Zhi felt that his heart seemed to be more excited, so she married him because she liked him? But he... he didn't know at first, and thought that the other party was the same as him, so he agreed.

Ye Zhi didn't feel regretful, but he felt an indescribable joy. He was very happy that she liked him.

Ye Zhi looked at his wife, sitting on him and kissing him, and his hands didn't know where to put. When he realized what the other party was going to do, Ye Zhi grabbed her hand: "Don't make trouble."

Wan Ge looked at the other party so reserved, except for a little red on her cheeks, so calm and calm, she inexplicably became more interested.

Maybe she had never tried to do this kind of thing before the other party realized that she liked him, so Wan Ge wanted to challenge it. I want to challenge the other party, how long can I sit still.

The familiarity and love of Ye Zhi's soul made him unable to resist for long, and he surrendered directly when the other party kissed his Adam's apple.

At noon, Ye Zhi finished washing and stood in front of the mirror. He had already changed his clothes, but the buttons were not completely buttoned, so the marks on his neck could still be seen.

Ye Zhi buttoned all the top buttons to cover the marks, and then walked out of the bathroom.

Looking at the person lying on the bed, when I walked into the church with her hand yesterday, I didn't think I would really like her, and it came so quickly.

Maybe before the oath, all the most intimate things were limited to holding hands, so I didn't feel anything strange. Only when there was real physical contact did I realize that it was only a moment to be attracted to her.

When Wan Ge woke up, there was no one around her. Wouldn't the other party go to work? In the plot, the two did sleep separately on the first night, and Ye Zhi went to work early.

Wan Ge got up slowly, feeling that her waist and back were sore. It's still good to be a woman. Although her husband stood up a little later, she felt really good at the beginning.

Her head was still confused, so Wan Ge sat on the bed for a long time. Just as she was about to wash up, the door of the room was opened.

Ye Zhi was stunned when he saw her. He didn't expect that they were in tune with each other. She just got up when he just remembered to ask her to eat.

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