However, Ye Zhi was still particularly curious about one thing. He looked at Wan Ge seriously and asked in confusion: "Why? Why did you choose me in this life?"

In her previous life, she might not have been happy. She should have the right to pursue the person she truly loved or the one who loved her in her next life.

But she still chose me. Why?

And she helped me make up for my regrets. Otherwise, with my memory at this moment, it would only be another regret.

Wan Ge smiled and said: "You were also very good to me in my previous life, and you respected and were loyal to me. Even though we regret not loving each other, the two points I just mentioned are already something that many people cannot do."

Yes, the original owner and Ye Zhi in the plot did not love each other, but they were loyal to each other, and they did not even have mental infidelity. Although there was no inner fluctuation, they seriously regarded each other as partners.

And Ye Zhi never treated her badly, and still gave his wife the best. They can respect and be loyal to each other. Even if they live again, even if it is not him and me, the original owner will still choose him.

"But this time, we are in love." Ye Zhi approached her and kissed her.

Later, his grandfather passed away, and Ye Zhi returned to live with Mr. Ye with his wife and children.

One afternoon, Ye Zhi looked at Mr. Ye basking in the sun in the garden and slowly walked towards him.

Seeing his son, Mr. Ye was still a little restrained, but thinking of his son's treatment of him over the years, he got much better.

Ye Zhi sat beside him and accompanied him to bask in the winter sun.

The warm sunshine sprinkled on his body, and Mr. Ye was a little sleepy, and he fell asleep leaning on Ye Zhi.

Ye Zhi glanced at his father. He didn't know when his hair had turned gray and there were more and more wrinkles on his face.

Ye Zhi didn't tell Wan Ge or Mr. Ye. In fact, when he was investigating what his father had done to him, he found out the reason for his parents' divorce.

Ye Zhi realized that it was not just his father's fault that led to the divorce. He also learned that his mother had cheated on him.

In fact, it was difficult to accept at first, because in his concept, his mother was very good and gentle to him, and it was hard to believe that such a mother would cheat on him.

He thought of how busy he was in his memory, but Wan Ge still firmly chose him again. Maybe Wan Ge was right, loyalty is difficult for many people to do.

Later, Ye Zhi also asked his father if he had ever thought about marrying another person, or if he had ever met someone who moved him again.

Mr. Ye shook his head. In addition to the reason that he was worried about him being bullied, people don't necessarily have to get married.

And Ye Zhi just thought that his father had a psychological shadow.

"Grandpa, Dad, I'm back." Ye Chen, who was already in high school, saw no one when he returned home. Finally, he saw his father and grandfather in the garden.

Mom went to guest star again, and only at this time would Dad often be with Grandpa.

At this moment, the father and son no longer basked in the sun, but sat in the pavilion under the flower vines playing chess.


① You said that you hope I will never have regrets again, thank you for making up for all my regrets.

② When I don’t love you, I will choose loyalty, and when I love you, I will never see anyone.

③ Only you are what my heart desires.

——Ye Zhi

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