Qi Yan walked in, took a look at the materials they brought, and selected a few that he felt were suitable for Wan Ge.

Qi Yan's action clearly confirmed that he had asked the people from the Clothing Bureau to do it.

Soon the people from the Clothing Bureau left, and only Qi Yan and Wan Ge were left in the room.

Wan Ge poured him a cup of tea, but Qi Yan didn't even look at the tea, but reached out and pulled the woman in front of him into his arms.

Qi Yan gently pinched her chin with his fingertips and kissed her directly.

Wan Ge still didn't resist and responded to him meekly.

Wan Ge's action undoubtedly pleased him, and Qi Yan's mood instantly became better.

Wan Ge became a salted fish again, but she could clearly feel that Qi Yan could no longer control his love for her.

When Wan Ge moved, she found that the other party had not left. When she opened her eyes, she saw Qi Yan's beautiful eyes looking at her.

Qi Yan stretched out his hand to her, originally wanting to tidy up her hair. But unexpectedly, the other party took the initiative to move her face closer and rubbed it on his hand.

At this time, she obviously saw who he was, and did not mistake him for someone else.

For a moment, Qi Yan felt that the woman in front of him overlapped with the one he dreamed of. His heart couldn't help but beat more violently.

It was different from the dream, but now it was real, he could see and touch it, and it happened when he was awake.

Qi Yan couldn't help kissing her again, and Wan Ge was still obedient.

After a while, Qi Yan let her go and gently called her name: "Wan Ge."

This was probably the first time Qi Yan called her name, not particularly gentle, maybe this man hasn't learned what gentleness is. But the tone was gentle, and his voice was originally very nice, so there was an inexplicable feeling of seduction.

Wan Ge hummed, as a response to him.

Qi Yan hugged the woman beside him, he had confirmed that he liked her. Just like his father and mother, he would be loyal to his lover. I also hope that Wan Ge can really like him.

Qi Yan is willing to immerse himself in his beautiful imagination, imagining that the person she likes is himself, and imagining that all her responses are not because of the threat of his status.

Qi Yan never told Wan Ge that he regretted it, regretting that he treated her like that before they met for the first time. He really felt that he was terrible at that time. If there is another chance, he will never do it again.

New Year's Eve came soon, Wan Ge wore a very adorable dress and the jewelry he sent. She was dressed exactly like a queen.

Ning Lu also seemed to realize something, and said softly: "My queen, His Majesty seems to really like you, do you like him?"

Ning Lu asked softly, because there were only two of them in the room, and no one else should hear it.

And Wan Ge did not answer, but just smiled. Of course I like him! It's just that I can't expose it now. It's okay to tell Ning Lu, but she also knows that Qi Yan's men are lurking around here. If I respond, they will definitely hear it with their deep internal strength.

He hadn't become the first wife yet, so of course he couldn't get what he wanted so quickly, so Wan Ge didn't choose to answer.

After finishing her makeup, Wan Ge slowly got up and prepared to do what she was supposed to do and appear at the banquet with Qi Yan.

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