"What do you mean?" The princess felt that there was something else in his words.

"I only need to ask my aunt a question. Do you know that General Zhenyuan intends to collude with foreign countries to rebel?" In fact, Qi Yan had never doubted this matter before. And when he knew the situation between his parents and his aunt, he didn't have too much thought to understand.

But judging from her actions against Wan Ge, maybe the other party is more complicated than he imagined.

"What if I know? I knew it from the beginning! But I can't change anything." The only thing she could do was to support her husband, but her husband was killed by her brother before he had time to do these things.

The person she loved most was killed by her dearest brother.

The smile in Qi Yan's eyes became more ironic: "Then you have never thought about why your father did that."

Qi Yan left directly after he finished speaking, leaving the princess alone in the prison.

"What do you mean by this? Qi Yan, don't leave!" The princess suddenly had a bad idea in her mind, no, no!

When Qi Yan went out, he saw Wan Ge waiting there. Wan Ge stretched out her hand to him, and Qi Yan held it tightly. Just when he thought Wan Ge would ask something, Wan Ge did not ask anything.

Qi Yan subconsciously thought that the reason why his aunt was more complicated than he thought was that she changed the original plan to let Wan Ge destroy the relationship between the two countries into a plan to secretly communicate with the envoys of the enemy country.

But in fact, the seeds had been planted in his heart earlier, perhaps when he knew that his parents were killed by his aunt.

Qi Yan did not kill the princess in the end, but imprisoned her in that place, which was more painful for the princess than killing her.

Wan Ge originally thought that Qi Yan, who had such a strong control and would kill people directly if they did not obey, would really kill the princess, but he did not. Maybe Qi Yan was not as cold-blooded as described in the plot.

Maybe he could really change him slowly.

Wan Ge felt that since she had talked about the relationship, Qi Yan had become a different person, and she was much more gentle and sensible.

She would not get angry easily, and she would not let anyone stare at her all day. Moreover, he picked a good day to officially marry her, making her his legal wife and his only wife.

Just when Wan Ge really thought that he did not have such a strong desire to control her, she found a clue in one thing.

The reason was that when she got up and put on her clothes, she whispered that she did not like this style so much, and as a result, the people from the clothing bureau sent new styles of clothes at noon.

Wan Ge spoke very quietly at the time, and even if the secret guards had good hearing, they should not have heard it after all, as they were not short distance away.

And the only person who was by her side at the time...

Wan Ge looked at Ning Lu in front of her, and she could not believe it at all. She could not believe that the innocent and loyal little girl who protected her master actually... "Ning Lu, you are Qi Yan's!"

Now that I think about it, some of the small details that Qi Yan knew inexplicably may have been learned from her.

Wan Ge felt goose bumps all over her body. Ning Lu had been with Madam Song since she was very young. So when did she start to obey Qi Yan?

Did she betray him because she didn't dare to disobey the emperor, or had it been much longer than he thought?

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