"Ayan, I want to go out and relax. I don't need anyone else, just the two of us."

"Okay." Qi Yan agreed to whatever Wan Ge said now.

Wan Ge and Qi Yan went out, and the ministers didn't know until the next day.

The originally scheduled wedding ceremony was not found, but the most surprising thing was that the emperor didn't attend the court or handle the affairs of the court for a month, but nothing unusual happened during this month.

Qi Yan used to control everyone's life. He knew everything about the officials. No one dared to betray him, let alone violate his rules.

Apart from other things, in terms of fairness and integrity, almost all officials can do it.

Moreover, in everyone's cognition, Qi Yan has been monitoring their lives. Even if Qi Yan didn't attend the court for a month, so what, even if he disappeared for a month.

Who knows where he is hiding and watching them secretly, who knows if he wants to catch something unusual. So they didn't dare to do anything, and they lived the same way as before.

Qi Yan had not known about the world's major events for a long time. In the past, he would summarize some major and minor events every day and then tell himself. But now that he has been out for a month, he has been by Wan Ge's side, and all the things he pays attention to are related to Wan Ge.

But he did not feel uncomfortable, and he did not want to know very much. He even seemed to enjoy this quiet life.

Of course, the premise is that the person he loves most is always by his side, and he does not need to think about what she has done, what she is going to do, and what she wants to do.

He is just a little worried about his wife who wants to be chivalrous. After all, she is pregnant, and he is very worried about whether there will be any problems with her body.

So although it was Wan Ge who wanted to be chivalrous, it was Qi Yan who took more actions. Wan Ge just watched from the side, and sometimes helped out, standing in the distance and throwing darts or something.

After staying outside for a few months, Wan Ge returned to the palace because she was pregnant.

In a few months, she felt that her mood was much more relaxed, and she had a different idea about Qi Yan.

Although they did a lot of chivalrous things, some of them were basically trivial matters, and some were personal family problems.

For example, bandits and robbers, to be honest, Wan Ge really didn't see much. And in the past few months, I have traveled to many places and found that although the management of each place is strict, the people don't have many complaints about the emperor.

There are really no complaints, not the kind that they dare not say.

As long as it is within a reasonable range, everyone's life is actually still very easy, and ordinary people don't think that the emperor will monitor their lives, so they do what they should do.

Qi Yan seems to have reflected a lot because of the trip. Generally, he doesn't get involved in other people's family affairs, nor does he pry into other people's private lives.

And occasionally he will take Wan Ge out, and the body that Wan Ge wants is free. This time everything is really going in a good direction.

When the child was one month old, Wan Ge naturally invited her master's aunt, but... when she wanted to find Qi Yan, she saw Qi Yan chatting with the master's aunt.

And the master's aunt's appearance is obviously the same as his subordinates' appearance to him. Wan Ge seemed to suddenly realize something...

"Qi Yan!!!"

The master's wife was also someone he arranged.

Qi Yan stood up obediently in an instant, and when he saw his wife, who was supposed to be in confinement, come out, he immediately walked towards her and covered her with a cloak: "Wan Ge, I was wrong..."


① I want to know everything about you, I'm sorry, I can't control myself.

② I thought that as long as you do what I want, I will be happy, but later I found out that it's not the case.

③ If you are sad, I will be sadder than you.

——Qi Yan

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