Yan Cangyue looked at him with seriousness in his eyes, and then said: "Ayu, I have thought about it seriously, and I still want to be with you."

I still want to be with you, until you get tired of me, or we break up for reasons that have to be overcome.

He will never take the initiative to break up again, because he really loves him.

After talking with Wan Ge, Yan Cangyue actually called his mother. At first, he was hard to say whether his mother could accept it. After all... people of his mother's generation would find it difficult to accept such a situation.

But his mother was calmer than he thought. She asked him if he had thought about the consequences clearly, and the last sentence said that no matter what he wanted to do, his mother would support him unconditionally.

The mother knew his situation, but she still chose to support him. Just like when he wanted to develop in a big city and wanted to live a new life in a new city, his mother also supported him without hesitation.

"Really!" Xiao Shuyu stood up directly. He thought he wanted to break up! But he said such words.

Xiao Shuyu immediately hugged him and held him tightly.

"Ayu, I can't do anything for you, but I am willing to wait for you." I am willing to wait for you, even if I have to wait for a lifetime.

Xiao Shuyu didn't say anything else, just leaning on his hand and still holding it tightly.

Mrs. Yan, who had just finished dinner, sat on the balcony looking at the scenery outside. The city she lived in was not big, but just a small city. But it was full of memories of her and her husband, which was one of the reasons why she refused when the child said he wanted to take her out to live.

As for another reason, it was because Mrs. Yan felt that the child should have his own life when he grew up. Although he didn't have a lover at the time, she would always interfere with his life when she was around him.

So she decided to stay in the city she loved. The child had grown up and she didn't need to do anything. With a stable job, she lived the life she wanted.

And the child would go home whenever he was free, call every two or three days, and usually contact on social software.

She felt that this was very good, there were people who loved her caring about her, and a certain distance would deepen the longing and there would be no quarrels.

But what the child suddenly called her today to tell her was something she had never thought about.

Yan Cangyue has been an extremely dedicated person since he was a child, so she is not anxious that he still has no girlfriend at this age, and believes that her son will have his own plans.

Now he has a lover, not the kind she thought, but she will still support him, because nothing is more important than his happiness.

Wan Ge proposed to cancel the engagement, so that Xiao Shuyu would not have to worry about this for a while.

Xiao Shuyu just broke off the engagement with someone else, and he was so anxious to find a new partner. Others will definitely think too much, and it will also cause certain conflicts to the Gong family.

Therefore, the Xiao family will not introduce a partner to Xiao Shuyu for the time being, even if they want to look for one, they will only do it secretly. At least wait until one or two months later, and then start recommending him.

But Xiao Shuyu knows that this matter will have to be resolved sooner or later, and it will only become more and more troublesome in the future, and not every girl will agree like Wan Ge.

However, Wan Ge's words made him reflect and calm down.

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