Sitting in a restaurant with an extremely beautiful and retro environment, Wan Ge looked at the beautiful boy in front of her. She was in such a good mood that even the waiter could see that she was very happy.

Maybe it was fate. At the beginning, Wan Ge wanted to completely solve the male protagonist's problem, and then contact her little villain, but she met her baby again and again. What else could this be if not fate?

And she didn't need to take too much initiative, the other party took the initiative to deliver it to her door.

When I saw the villain for the first time, I knew he was very obedient. The villain probably used all his rebelliousness in the end to refuse his mother's arrangement.

Chu Muen's cheeks were always red, not because the meal was too hot, but because the beloved girl was sitting in front of him.

When they finished eating and paid the bill, Chu Muen found that the other party had already paid: "Wan Ge?"

Didn't he agree to treat her to a meal? Why did he pay secretly?

The smile in Wan Ge's eyes became more obvious, and she said to the person in front of her: "Because I want you to owe me a meal forever, so that you can come to me often."

Wan Ge could feel Chu Muen's heartbeat for her. When she saw his eyes eager to express, Wan Ge already had this feeling, and her shy state during the meal was more certain.

Chu Muen's head buzzed, and he didn't react at first. After reacting, his cheeks turned red again, and he lowered his head instantly.

"Yeah, do you want to be with me?" It's strange not to fall in love at first sight after experiencing so many worlds.

Chu Muen nodded shyly. He thought... he thought he would scare her so quickly, but he didn't expect her to take the initiative. He was really happy.

It was only when Wan Ge suggested sending him home that Chu Muen's face changed slightly, and he felt that he was lost: "What's wrong?"

Does he want to stay with me and don't want to go home, or is there another reason? Maybe both?

Chu Muen didn't want to go home, didn't want to go home to face his mother, and didn't want his mother to know that he was in love with a girl: "Shall we go to your house?"

After hesitating, Chu Muen still said this.

He wanted freedom and didn't want to be bound by his mother. His father said that he would persuade his mother and let her realize that she could choose the person she liked.

So before that, he didn't want to go home so much. He wanted to stay with his beloved before his mother gave in.

In fact, this was also the decision he made when he wanted to find her. If Wan Ge refused, he would find a house to live in temporarily.

"Are you sure you want to go home with me?" Wan Ge smiled at the innocent boy beside him.

Chu Muen looked like he was very easy to be abducted. Such a cute boy would be eaten, and he was not prepared at all.

Chu Muen nodded again, and finally asked in a low voice: "Can I?"

"Of course." Such a good thing is hard to come by.

Finally, the driver turned around and sent Wan Ge and the others back to Wan Ge's home.

This was the first time Chu Muen went to a girl’s home, the first time he held hands with a girl, and the first time he was so close to a girl.

When holding hands with him, Chu Muen felt the sound of a fast heartbeat, and he didn’t know whether it was his own or Wan Ge’s.

Chu Muen looked at the extremely warm color. Is this Wan Ge’s home?

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