Ruanruan risked her life to gently answer Wan Ge: "No, sir, you are not dreaming. We did go back to Cecil's past, but now we are back again."

They returned to the time when they first met Cecil.

Yes, she was not dreaming. So many worlds later were also real.

Wan Ge looked up at the person in front of him. The familiar feeling of the other's soul would never change, but his mark was gone. It was because he exchanged the power to mark him for the shackles that sealed his memory.

Cesel found that his lover was staring at him in a daze, and!

"Um... Cecil, why did you bite me?" When did he become a dog.

"Who are you thinking about! Don't think about it, you are mine! I am the only one." Cecil said this while picking her up and pressing her on the bed.

"..." Wan Ge suddenly remembered that he had spent almost all the days after he became a god in this room.

Seeing that he was about to come again, Wan Ge grabbed his shoulder with her fingertips: "Cesare, calm down! I'm not thinking about others, I promise, I'm just thinking about you."

"Huh? Don't try to lie to me." Am I so easily deceived?

"What I said is true, I'm thinking about you in the past." I'm thinking about you in the past, how long have you been sleeping after I left.

Wan Ge suddenly had an idea, Cecil's real fear of loneliness is not because of his power that others can't touch, but because he has been waiting for her alone for too long, so he is afraid of loneliness.

"Why do you want to think about my past self? Are you dissatisfied with me now?" Cecil's tone was a little more aggrieved.

"No! Of course not!" How could she be dissatisfied with him?

"It must be that I haven't worked hard enough recently, so Wan Ge is tired of me." Cecil lowered his head, and his tone became extremely aggrieved. But his eyes were full of expectations.

"... Cecil, don't... um..."



When Wan Ge opened her eyes again, Cecil had turned into the king again, looking at her with blue eyes full of expectation.

Cecil thought seriously, since his lover missed his past self, he could change back to his original appearance for his lover.

But! Ange was only allowed to like him, no matter what he looked like.

Wan Ge did not explain, the more she explained, the more confused it would be, and it would make him think about the memory he had lost.

Wan Ge just didn't want him to bear those pains, so she chose to seal his memory permanently. If Cecil knew that he had met her before, he would definitely try to find the past memories no matter what.

Since he was very happy now, there was no need to think about the past.

So Wan Ge reached out and hugged the person in front of him and kissed him.


Cesel originally thought that she was just thinking back to when she was a human, until Wan Ge kept calling his name in a dream.

Cecil entered her dream, but her dream actually had her past. That extremely familiar feeling made Cecil feel strange.

He originally thought that the past he had forgotten was not very important, but now he could doubt it.

In the end, Ruanruan did not tell Wan Ge that Cecil broke her seal and recalled the past.


①It turns out that what you said is true. You are really my wife from the past.

②Thank you for coming to me. The days of sleeping are not sad at all, because I look forward to you every day.

③You were my wife in the past and in the future.

—— Cecil

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