Ruanruan looked at Wan Ge and planned to teach Su Yi to read, and said with some concern: "Sir, are you sure you want to teach the little villain to read?"

In fact, Su Yi has not realized anything yet. If there is no accident, as long as the adults protect him well, he may never realize what he has suffered in his life.

But if the adults teach him knowledge now and let him slowly realize some things, the villain may hate the adults after understanding them later.

Wan Ge knew Ruanruan's worries: "I know what you are thinking, and I know what I am doing. Su Yi has the right to know. It doesn't matter if he resents or even wants to kill me now. This is what he should resent.

And he will know sooner or later. The lifespan of monsters is too long. If Su Yi is destined to know, sometimes no matter what we do, it will not change the result.

So instead of hiding it from him for so long, it is better to let him know earlier. I am willing to bear all the consequences."

The soul is not that person anymore. If Su Yi chooses to forgive himself in the future, Wan Ge can understand. But the body is still the same body. If Su Yi wants revenge, Wan Ge thinks it is a normal behavior.

When people make mistakes, they always want to conceal it subconsciously. But the consequences must be borne. Instead of waiting for him to slowly become more serious, it is better to be honest earlier.

"Su Yi! Don't move! Be serious." Wan Ge never thought that the little villain had no desire for knowledge, and seemed to be playing more.

Su Yi heard the other party say this, and immediately sat down obediently, and then looked at Wan Ge pitifully, as if he was scolded.

"I don't mean to scold you, I just want you to be more serious and study hard." Why do I feel like I want him to know but he doesn't want to?

"I'm good, I listen to my master." Su Yi said softly again.

Hearing him calling her master, Wan Ge said to him seriously again: "Su Yi, you don't need to call me master. You can call me Wan Ge if you want."

"Wan Ge? Is that the master's name?" Before the original owner became the demon king, she was the eldest princess of the demon clan. No one dared to call her by her name, and even less dared to do so after she became the emperor. It seemed that everyone had forgotten the original name of the demon king.

"It's my name. Are you willing to call me that?"

Su Yi lowered his head and thought seriously for a long time. Finally, he called out softly: "Wan Ge."

The soft and long words made Su Yi feel even more strange in his heart.

Su Yi has a strong learning ability and a particularly good memory, but he is too active and can't study quietly. After tossing for an afternoon, he didn't learn much, but he could recognize some simple words.

As soon as Wan Ge came out of the study, the demon servant stood beside him and said, "Your Majesty, the Great Elder wants to discuss something with you."

"Got it." After hearing this, Wan Ge turned around and asked Su Yi to go back to the bedroom first, and she followed the demon servant.

No one else knew what happened. In addition to Wan Ge and Su Yi arranging a new residence, Wan Ge stayed in the study for an afternoon, and they would only think that His Majesty was there because of something.

Su Yi unknowingly returned to his original residence. Looking at the dilapidated hut in front of him, he felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably.

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