If Ruanruan knew what Shen Yu was thinking, she would definitely say: Why don't you see how many times you have practiced.

Every body that you have been to has basically never been in love. But the most important thing is that in every world, when facing the villain, you need to face him with the most immature side.

Otherwise, the villain will be jealous and will ask you why you are so familiar with him and whether you have had other men before.

Anyway, it made Master Wan Ge never dare to show his familiarity when he met the little villain again.

Shen Yu repeatedly rubbed her lips with his fingertips and said in a low voice: "Good boy."

She was so good that Shen Yu felt like he was dreaming. She did not resist or resist, and she completely accepted it, which made him extremely satisfied.

Wan Ge finished lunch completely under the teasing of the other party, and then the other party reluctantly sent her back to Q University.

Before Wan Ge got off the car, Shen Yu's low voice sounded in his ears again: "Wan Ge..."

Wan Ge looked at the people around her, and her beautiful eyes were more confused.

While helping her unbuckle her seat belt, Shen Yu kissed her on the cheek: "Remember to think of me~"

Originally, he wanted to say that she should remember not to let any man get close to her. But suddenly he thought that she would be unhappy if he said that, so he finally said that she should think of him.

Wan Ge's cheeks were still red, and she nodded gently.

It was numb, and Shen Yu couldn't help it. He held her cheek and kissed her. It took a long time before he let her go, giving her a chance to go back to the dormitory.

Finally, Wan Ge said goodbye to him shyly and got off the car.

The luxury car was originally very eye-catching. When the school belle got off the luxury car, people who didn't pay much attention to it couldn't help but set their eyes on Wan Ge.

It was the first time they saw the usually gentle and elegant school belle blushing and extremely shy.

To them, Wan Ge was beautiful but could only be admired from a distance and not touched. But now... she got out of a luxury car, and it wasn't the school hunk's car, and she had such a shy expression.

They really wanted to know who was in the car and what kind of relationship he had with Wan Ge.

Wasn't Wan Ge with the school hunk? What did this mean now?

When Wan Ge returned to her dormitory, she didn't care about other people's discussions, but went straight back to her dormitory.

At this time, her roommate, who had a good relationship with her, couldn't help but approach her: "Wan Ge... who sent you back?"

Wan Ge smiled slightly, and then answered: "My boyfriend."

The roommate remembered the first time he saw Wan Ge and the school hunk together on the forum, he was particularly curious and asked if they were together, but Wan Ge answered that he wasn't.

It was not known whether the calm tone was true or false. Later, the more heated the discussion on the forum, the more intimate photos of the two appeared.

The roommate even thought that she just didn't want to make it public, although almost everyone thought it was already public.

But now... the roommate suddenly realized: "So you really weren't with Luo Yan!"

Wan Ge thought about the things on the forum again and touched his forehead: "Didn't I tell you a long time ago?"

By the way, the original owner never cared about the things on the forum because she never cared what others said, but she didn't expect Luo Yan to be like this too.

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