Wan Ge smiled faintly when she heard his words, and said seriously: "Unless Shen Yu breaks up with me, I won't leave him. I think uncle deliberately sent him away and came to me because he didn't want him to know about this and make him hate you."

Mr. Shen's thoughts were exposed by the girl in front of him, and the girl's action made him look up to the girl. But it didn't shake his mind to let the girl leave.

But at this moment, Wan Ge took out his mobile phone and saved the recording that had just been turned on.

"Uncle, don't threaten me. I think Shen Yu will protect me. If uncle does something that makes me angry, don't blame me for turning you father and son against each other." Wan Ge had long felt that Mr. Shen was here to break up with him, so he deliberately kept a watchful eye and turned on the mobile phone recording before entering the door.

"You!" Mr. Shen didn't expect to be tricked by a little girl. It must be said that if Shen Yu heard the recording just now, he would definitely be furious. As for whether they will turn against each other or not, it's hard to say now, but before he still likes this woman, this recording is enough to make him angry to explode.

"I won't eat. I have to wait for Shen Yu to come home. I'll leave first." After saying that, Wan Ge got up and left, leaving Mr. Shen sitting there.

As soon as Wan Ge went out, she saw a lady standing at the door. She looked very young and not much older than herself, but Wan Ge knew who she was from her outline.

When the other party spoke, she also revealed her identity: "Hello, Wan Ge, I am Shen Yu's mother."

Mrs. Shen's voice was very nice and gentle, and she was completely different from the man inside.

Seeing the beautiful sister so gentle, Wan Ge did not have the same attitude just now, and her voice was also soft: "Hello, auntie, do you have something to do with me?"

Mrs. Shen glanced at the sulking man inside, and said softly: "Please don't take my husband's words to heart. I think he should not have time to bother you again during this period."

"Auntie?" Wan Ge looked at the beautiful Mrs. Shen in front of him, and always felt that this sentence was inexplicably meaningful.

"Don't worry? Go home." Mrs. Shen touched her head. She also knew that Wan Ge lived with Shen Yu, so she said this softly.

"Okay." Although she didn't know what the other party wanted to do, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

When Shen Yu stood at the door of his house, he didn't open the door immediately, but adjusted his mood.

When he was dealing with things just now, he felt the mastermind behind the scenes. Shen Yu knew that the old man had discovered what he had done long ago and deliberately made trouble for himself.

On the way home, he received a message from his mother and learned that the old man had found Wan Ge. Although his mother told him not to worry, but... how could he not worry?

But he couldn't bring negative emotions to his lover, so he tried to adjust his emotions at the door, and finally opened the door and walked in.

Mr. Shen on the other side also returned home. When he entered the living room, he said, "Wife, I'm back."

But when he looked at the living room, he didn't see his wife. Mr. Shen frowned and went directly to the second floor.

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