Mrs. Shen didn't lock the door because she knew the safety of the hotel, but she didn't expect her husband to come so soon.

Mrs. Shen felt a little distressed when she saw her husband, but she was more happy. Because her husband seemed to care about her more than she thought.

In fact! Mrs. Shen never thought about divorce. She was so bold to do these things because Mr. Shen would not divorce her.

The reason why she did these things was mainly because of Shen Yu. She didn't want her husband to disturb the children again, but no matter how busy he was at work, Mr. Shen would still take time to do those things.

The only thing that could really make him throw everything away to do it was probably the people close to him who didn't listen to him and escaped his control. In addition to Shen Yu, there was another one, herself.

Shen Yu and he had an unavoidable relationship. No matter what, Shen Yu was his son and he raised him. But she was different. She and he were family but not relatives, and she was likely to leave him.

At first, Mrs. Shen didn't dare to guarantee who Mr. Shen cared about more, but she thought about it and there was only this way.

Mrs. Shen was also a rich lady, born in a famous family. She was not really so obedient and gentle before. She was actually a very arrogant girl.

The reason why she became so obedient and gentle was because she met Mr. Shen at a banquet and fell in love with that man at first sight.

Through understanding, she learned about Mr. Shen's personality and knew what kind of girl he preferred. Moreover, if her father proposed a marriage, the other party would not refuse. Sure enough, everything went as smoothly as she imagined. She married him as she wished and always treated him in a well-behaved and sensible manner.

Mr. Shen was also very satisfied with her, especially because she was so obedient to her. He simply felt that she was the most suitable person for him.

Mrs. Shen has always loved her husband for so many years. In fact, Mr. Shen has nothing to say about her except that he has a strong desire for control. He never flirts with other people outside. The one who really sticks to her is her.

And all the main cards were handed over to him. Mr. Shen has always used the secondary card. Many houses and other things in the Shen family are in Mrs. Shen's name.

Mrs. Shen also knows all of Mr. Shen's whereabouts, which gives her enough sense of security.

More importantly, Mrs. Shen really loved that man, so she hid all her pride and appeared in front of him in an extremely well-behaved manner, willing to be his canary and dodder.

However, she didn't want her children to be like this. She always wanted her children to have their own lives. Now Shen Yu really has someone he likes and a life he wants to live. She doesn't want her husband to interfere and let her children regret it for life.

So she made such a bold move.

But her husband seemed to be much more anxious than she thought, and rushed over directly, which was not what he would do as he was usually calm. She originally thought that he would arrange all the things in the company, or let his subordinates find her back.

Shen Yu heard about his mother's divorce the next day. It turned out that his mother told him not to worry about this method.

But Shen Yu didn't know whether his mother's move was serious or a way to delay his father. Although he always felt that his mother loved his father very much, he could never see through her. And he didn't think his mother would joke about divorce.

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