The instinct of survival made him beg for mercy first, and Gu Wan finally let go. The doctor tremblingly took out a medical book from a corner, and the yellowed pages were about to tear.

If Gu Wan had gotten it later, he might not have been able to see what was on it.

Gu Wan left after getting the book, and he remained indifferent to what the people behind him said.

The moment he walked out of the dungeon door, Gu Wan's hand holding the medical book was shaking slightly.

When the other party threatened him, he actually hesitated for a moment, but he thought of the greedy man. Even if he let him go, his conditions would definitely not be as simple as freedom.

So he thought of this arrogant man who had lived in the dungeon for so many years without seeking death, so he must be very afraid of death.

So as long as he... as long as he is not afraid, the other party will definitely be defeated first.

This medical book is about the life and death of Wan Ge. Even though he has obtained it now, Gu Wan is still afraid. He didn't expect that he actually brought it, and he almost didn't get it.

In fact, Gu Wan tried many ways to cure her but couldn't. He also thought about the book that his so-called master had collected. It was the only possible way to cure her.

So he had been looking for the whereabouts of the book before. He turned the villa and his residence upside down, but still couldn't find it.

Today, Wan Ge fainted again due to physical reasons. He was really scared that he was gone, so he couldn't wait for a second and came to the dungeon to find him.

Gu Wan immediately flipped through the book and read it while returning to his residence.

He didn't look at the road and ran into the prince directly.

"Gu Wan!" The prince grabbed his arm worriedly.

At this time, Gu Wan put down the book in his hand and looked up at the prince in front of him. "Ge'er... do you have a solution?"

If he didn't have a solution, the prince really didn't know what to do. The only belief couldn't support it anymore, and he couldn't think of anything else.

Gu Wan said, "I will keep Wan Ge safe."

"Have you found a way?" It can be seen that the prince's tone is particularly anxious.

Gu Wan hummed.

Hearing the other party's affirmation, the prince breathed a sigh of relief and gently let go of his hand: "That's good, that's good..."

Gu Wan walked past him and continued to flip through the medical book in his hand.

The prince didn't know what method the other party had found, and he didn't know anything about medicine. He just knew that the other party came to him the next day and asked him to find two best doctors.

After that, one doctor took care of Wan Ge, and the other doctor didn't know what to do with him.

Gu Wan's number of visits to Wan Ge also gradually decreased, sometimes even a week without appearing.

The queen mother was sent directly to Yun'an Temple, saying that she was allowed to rest, but everyone knew that it was just a disguised imprisonment.

The emperor originally wanted to ask for mercy, but he knew what his mother had done, but he couldn't talk to his uncle at all.

But that was his mother. On the day he hesitated, he decided to meet his mother. But the other party still treated him coldly, and seemed to dislike him very much.

On one side was the uncle who raised him, and on the other side was the mother who never cared about him, so the emperor decided to remain silent in the end.

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