"Ku Ming!" Wan Ge called out, and Ku Ming returned to his side.

At the same time, Wan Ge also saw the man in black. The other party had a charming and handsome face, and he was also very good-looking, but Wan Ge didn't seem to know him.

"What's wrong? Why did they fight?" Wan Ge felt puzzled that she didn't seem to know this demon king.

The demon king recognized Wan Ge at once, and was a little excited: "Wan Ge! Come on, come to your brother."

? ? ? Wait a minute!

Wan Ge looked carefully and found that the other party did have similarities with the original owner.

The original owner was thrown near the place where she knew Ku Ming when she was very young. As for her family... I have a little impression that she has a brother and a father. The father doesn't seem to like her very much, so he threw her away.

In the demon clan, maybe the father feels that she is not worthy of being his daughter, so it is not a strange thing to throw her away. So since then, the original owner has always regarded herself as a fatherless and motherless person, and has no relatives.

The only person who could talk and become a friend was Ku Ming, because they had been practicing together for a long time.

"I don't know you." Wan Ge did not go over, but just checked whether Ku Ming was injured.

Ku Ming nervously grabbed Wan Ge's hand, probably because he was worried that Wan Ge would really leave with someone else.

The others were also confused. Chang Ying originally thought that the other party was the Crown Princess's former fiancé or something, but it turned out to be her brother! Wait a minute! The Crown Princess is the Demon Lord's sister, so she is the little princess of the Demon Realm?

This means that their Highness married a demon, and a princess of the Demon Clan! ! !

This is really too outrageous!

"Wan Ge, I am really your brother, don't you remember? I was always by your side when you were young." After Wan Qi said this, he seemed to suddenly remember something.

So he raised his hand, and there was a special totem on his wrist. Ku Ming recognized that totem because there was also one on Wan Ge's wrist.

"This is a unique mark of our family. Every family member has this pattern on their wrist."

"So what? I won't go with you. I am Ku Ming's wife." Are you kidding me? How could I go with him? If I really went with him, Ku Ming would go crazy. And Wan Ge didn't want to go with him either.

"You are a demon and he is from the God Clan. You two are not suitable. Did he lie to you? Did he lie to you with sweet words?" Or did he seduce you with his beauty because he looks so good? Why don't you go home with your brother!

"No, I liked him first, and I only like him and only want to be with him." Wan Ge hugged Ku Ming tightly and told Wan Qi what he was thinking very seriously.

Ku Ming listened to what Wan Ge said and felt his heart beating very fast. Although he had absolute strength and would never allow anyone to take his wife away, he was really happy to hear his wife say such words.

But Wan Ge shouldn't be left alone to face it, Ku Ming also spoke directly: "You heard it too, Wan Ge will not go with you, she is my wife and only likes me and will stay with me.

And you... since you are Wan Ge's brother, I won't bother with you about what happened today, but if you still want to take Wan Ge away, don't blame me for being rude."

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