Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 202 The King of Stockpiling in the End of the World (42)

In the end, Liang Qingzhi really happened to pass by.

He hasn't come out for air for a long time. Unfortunately, the air in the outside world is really turbid, and there is no comparison with the purified air inside the light screen.

So he was anxious to go back.

But Jin Shu was still discussing something with the leader on the aircraft carrier. He was tugging on Jin Shu's clothes and clasping Jin Shu's arms, muttering in a low voice that he wanted to go back.

As a result, Jin Shu said harshly: "If you want to go back, you should go back first."

The tone was not fierce, but it was very harsh, which made Liang Qingzhi feel aggrieved and sad.

We agreed that we could go back together in half an hour, but it had been almost an hour and there was still no plan to leave. Jin Shu didn't mean what he said, and Liang Qingzhi walked out expressionlessly, holding back a belly of resentment.

It was annoying at first, but the entire deck was echoed with a woman's heart-rending howl. On such a hot day, he couldn't even block the sweltering heat inside with the special parasol he held, and the sound from the song kept echoing in his ears. Your name comes out of other people's mouths.

He walked to the cage with a cold face. As soon as Fang Yingqiu saw him, she couldn't wait to reach out her hand and wanted to pull his clothes. Unfortunately, Liang Qingzhi was far away and she couldn't reach him.

"Professor Liang, my name is Fang Yingqiu, and I also have a portable space, which is about the size of a football field.

I was trapped by a traitor before, but now that Boss Gao is dead, I thought I could be freed. Unexpectedly, I am still trapped here as an accomplice.

Professor Liang, please let them let me go. From now on, I will be at your disposal. You can use my space as you wish. I will be your servant and I will listen to you in everything!

Professor Liang, I beg you, please take me away! "

Fang Yingqiu didn't believe that Liang Qingzhi was not tempted by such an alluring offer.

She raised her face and tried to show the other half of her intact cheek to the man in front of her, fully expecting his response.

Finally, Liang Qingzhi spoke.

"What an ugly thing. What are you talking about in your sleep? You should keep your own treasure by yourself. I find it dirty if it changes hands many times."

After speaking, Liang Qingzhi frowned and turned around to leave. She didn't care about Fang Yingqiu's crying behind her. All she could think about was how to call Jin Shu home.

After another half hour, the conversation finally ended.

The leader personally sent Jin Shu out, with a smile on his fairly upright and resolute face.

Liang Qingzhi didn't like socializing, let alone talking to strangers, so he stood by and waited until he saw the leader reaching out and holding Jin Shu's hand.

He strode forward with a sullen face, stood directly in front of Jin Shu, cut off the two people's handshake, and then put his hand into the other's hand.

It was sticky and uncomfortable. Liang Qingzhi tried hard to restrain the rejection and nausea in her heart, and spoke with her brows relaxed.

“A pleasure to work with.”

When the leader of the other party saw it was him, the smile on his face immediately turned into flattered, and the 1.9-meter-tall man actually showed emotions similar to shyness and nervousness.

Seeing that he didn't let go, Jin Shu looked at Liang Qingzhi's straight back and frizzy head, sighed helplessly, and stepped forward to rescue him.

"Okay then, Chief Tan, we will start adding space when we get back. Everything is ready to welcome you to the light screen world at any time."

Only then did the leader realize that he had just lost his composure, and quickly let go of his hand and bowed and nodded to Liang Qingzhi.

"Okay, okay, I will immediately send people to deliver oil and other raw materials to the mountain. If you need anything else, just ask. I will die through fire and water!"

Liang Qingzhi was finally able to retract her hand, put it directly into her pocket, kept pinching it, and said perfunctorily.

"No, it's a pleasure to work with you anyway."

“Happy to work with!”

In this way, Base Zero was directly integrated into the Light Screen Base, and more than 4,000 survivors in the entire base began to prepare for the move-in plan.

The minimum residential area for these more than 4,000 people is fifteen kilometers, and the work has increased suddenly. Fortunately, the automatic light screen production machine has been put into use. When the first one worked well, Liang Qingzhi modified and upgraded it and built the second one. station and the third station.

This project will be expanded along with the expansion of the optical screen base, so the first confidential processing plant in the base, the optical screen production plant, will be launched. The recruitment in the factory is open to all new high-tech talents.

With the investment of personnel and the improvement of machines, the coverage area of ​​the light screen has expanded rapidly, and it has expanded to 20 kilometers in less than half a month!

Utilize a stable structure to build beams and columns under the sea, and then the light screen base continues to expand from the beams and columns.

One month later, all the survivors of Base Zero moved into the Light Screen Base, settled down in the designated area, and started building their homes again.

Liang Qingzhi ranks first in the world in terms of inventing brain power.

But in terms of management, he knew nothing about it, mainly because he was too lazy to study so many interpersonal relationships, so these tasks naturally fell to Jin Shu.

This was not the first time she had done this kind of work. She had opened a company before and was the boss. In the end, she was only able to manage hundreds of thousands of employees in an orderly manner, let alone the 10,000 or 20,000 survivors in the base.

With the cooperation of the two, the light screen base continues to expand.

Survivors from all over the world came one after another, and after obtaining occupancy permits, they moved into different residential areas according to ethnic customs.

In this way, the era of ending the end of mankind begins.

In just five years, the expansion area of ​​the light screen has reached 80,000 square kilometers, which is comparable to the land area of ​​a country in the past.

Under the light screen, there are tens of millions of survivors, and this number is still rising.

Ten years later, the Guangping Base was officially renamed Zuozhuan Village. The entire base was under the overall management of Jin Shu, and was divided into ten countries for hierarchical management.

When the new world reopened, Jin Shu immediately stepped down and gave up her position to trustworthy people, while she started a retirement plan.

Her goal is to survive, as long as possible.

Even if the world collapses and the world ends again, she, an old lady in her sixties, must survive to the extreme.

Fortunately, the situation that Jin Shu imagined did not happen. Everything is going on normally and smoothly. The base is developing better and better. People's quality of life is higher than before. Even after experiencing the apocalypse, everyone is more optimistic about it. Current enjoyment.

Because of Jin Shu, Liang Qingzhi devoted himself to the longevity and health care industry for the rest of his life. With his efforts, the average life expectancy of people in the base exceeded 90 years, and the longest-lived person in the entire base was Mrs. Jin Shu, the founder of the base.

Liang Qingzhi specially developed a medicine for her, which not only allowed her to live to the age of 133, but also made her disease-free and even her death peaceful.

Liang Qingzhi also lived a long time. He lived to be 130 years old. After the 110th anniversary celebration of the founding of the base, he also left with Jin Shu in his dream. (End of chapter)

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