Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 204 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (1)

"The mission is over.

Task evaluation result: Excellent+.

Tasker: Jin Shu.

Whether to proceed to the next task: Yes.

Mission is starting...

1, 2, 3, the task was started successfully, and the tasker Jin Shu was loaded successfully.

Forty-eight hours the system loaded successfully.

Current time flow rate ratio: 1:1, the system is on for 48 hours. "

A new world opened. As soon as Jin Shu opened her eyes, she was slapped hard on the forehead.

As a person who was determined to retaliate, Jin Shu didn't care what the current situation was. She stretched out her hand and slapped the person in front of her.

The crisp slap was followed by deathly silence.

Jin Shu squinted her eyes to see the surrounding environment clearly.

It seemed like a wedding scene, surrounded by large seas of flowers, dazzling crystal lamps overhead, and full of guests under the transparent glass stage.

And she was standing on the stage, holding a glass of wine in her hand, wearing a red dress, looking like the protagonist of the wedding.

The person who hit her was right across the street.

A girl with short hair, wearing men's clothes with a bow tie, and a blue earring on her ear, made the girl look heroic and beautiful.

It's just that she is staring at herself aggrievedly, her eyes are a little red, and she is sobbing intermittently.

"Sister Shu, I was just joking with you. Don't be angry. I'm sorry."

Before Jin Shu could speak, a cold voice suddenly came from behind.

Xu Mu: "Jin Shu! Why are you so crazy in public?"

Then, four similarly dressed men walked up to her, and each of them looked at Jin Shu coldly, as if she had committed some treason and collaboration with the enemy.

Xu Mu: "Don't think that just because you marry Lin Qin, you think that your position as the wife of a wealthy family is secure!"

Chen Zetian: "Lin Qin is so unlucky, why did he marry a country boy like you?"

Jiang Shixuan: "I'm warning you, before I came to be the best man to save Lin Qin's face, but if you dare to target Yu Keke again, don't blame me for turning against you and whipping you in front of your family!"

Zhou Bai said: "Lin Qin, can you take care of your wife! Ke Ke is our friend since childhood, and you just watch your wife treat her like this?"

Jin Shu was accused by four men.

Although I don’t know who they are yet, I can probably guess that these four people, plus Ke Ke, who was disguised as a man just now, should be the best man at this wedding.

Obviously these groomsmen were very dissatisfied with themselves, and this dissatisfaction erupted directly after she slapped the tomboy.

Hundreds of eyes below stared up.

Jin Shu is not a person who often feels embarrassed. On the contrary, the more people there are, the clearer her mind becomes.

Especially in this current public criticism situation, she is even more calm.

"Are you all blind? Didn't you see that she took the initiative to hit me? What does it mean to hit me at my wedding? Don't give me face or give the groom face?

Or do you like the groom, but in the end you can only be the best man? "

As soon as he said this, the aggrieved Yu Keke next to him suddenly looked in the distance in a panic.

She quickly shook her head.

"We are brothers. Sister Shu, can you stop doubting my relationship with Brother Qin?

If I really like him, do you think there will be anything wrong with you now? "

Okay, okay, so confident, right?

Jin Shu laughed calmly.

"Since we are brothers, let's make it clear here. Whoever has other thoughts in the future will not have a good death."

Yu Keke's eyes were startled. He was about to say something when he suddenly saw the man coming from behind Jin Shu. He immediately returned to his previous appearance, with red eyes and gritted teeth in silence.

"Jin Shu, they are all my friends. I have seen what happened just now. Ke Ke is clumsy and ignorant of the importance of things. Don't argue with her."

Jin Shu turned around and saw the protagonist of this scene, Lin Qin.

A dark suit makes her tall and tall, with two long legs under the black suit pants. The most eye-catching thing is her face, with a high nose, deep eyes, and a perfect jawline that exudes nobility. She is ascetic and elegant. His temperament reveals a sense of strangeness and distance that goes against the world.

However, Jin Shu has seen countless beautiful men, and this one has not yet been able to make her so stunning that she can't take her eyes away.

Yu Keke ran over and tapped Lin Qin's shoulder.

"It's all your fault for not introducing us properly to Sister Shu, which caused me to be misunderstood.

Sister Shu, he and I are really best friends. We grew up together, and our parents are friends from aristocratic families.

You may not understand our circle. Lin Qin is indeed excellent, but I am not bad either. I have good looks, money and IQ. I really can’t compete with you. "

These words completely describe Jin Shu as a stingy and inferior woman who has never seen the world.

Jin Shu wasn't angry either. She walked forward and gently held Lin Qin's arm, then leaned forward and smiled at Yu Keke.

"I feel relieved when you say that. You are right. A good person should not be a bitch, but no decent girl would do such a thing."

This time, the smile on Yu Keke's confident face became much stiffer.

She glared at Lin Qin calmly, then turned around and left silently.

The other four best men chased her one after another, and the one named Xu Mu did not forget to turn around and threaten Jin Shu.

"If you bully her again, I want you to look good!"

The wedding is over.

After returning to the new house, she took off the heavy makeup on her face, changed out of the heavy dress and the complicated styling of her hair. Jin Shu, who was lying in the jacuzzi, finally breathed a sigh of relief and closed her eyes comfortably to enjoy the steaming heat around her. .

"The plot is being transmitted, please pay attention to the surrounding environment."

Arnold's appearance was always so untimely, but Jin Shu was too lazy to argue with him and replied lazily.

"Well, pass it on."

Anyway, just don't delay her bathing.

This is a love story about childhood sweethearts from a wealthy family. The heroine Yu Keke and the hero Lin Qin grew up together since childhood. Their parents were close friends, and now they are even closer.

In addition to the two of them, there were four other boys who grew up together in the compound, namely the four best men who appeared at the wedding.

Because she grew up with boys, the heroine Yu Keke has always maintained a short hair style, and she likes neutral dressing, so she has become a tomboy in everyone's mouth.

Because the two of them had known each other as brothers since they were young, and were too familiar with each other, the male and female protagonists who already liked each other did not reveal their feelings to each other until they were in college.

At this time, the original owner Jin Shu appeared.

She is the campus goddess in the university. She has a bright appearance and a cheerful personality. She happens to become the spokesperson of the campus image together with the male protagonist. Because the 70th anniversary of the school is coming next, the two of them frequently go to various occasions on campus to conduct rehearsals. (End of chapter)

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