Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 210 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (7)

When the general manager walked over, several people shut up again. The R\u0026D director walked directly to the rain bomb and looked around carefully.

The more he looked, the more he couldn't hide the wonder in his eyes.

It's so beautifully made. Regardless of the fact that it's just a model, it's amazing enough to be able to make such a realistic-looking model in just one night.

That Jin Shu does have some abilities, but it's a pity that she is too whimsical and arrogant. As a newcomer, she makes her own decisions and skips her immediate superiors to contact the big leaders privately. Such people will suffer big losses sooner or later.

At this time, Jin Shu in the lounge slept until noon again. When she woke up, she walked out and found that many people were already standing around the door of the independent workshop.

Seeing her coming, the R\u0026D director waved to her with a sullen face.

"Jin Shu, come here."

Jin Shu stepped forward and saw the R\u0026D director pointing at the rain bomb inside and saying seriously with an unhappy look on his face.

"Who allowed you to use these rare materials on your own initiative?"

Upon hearing that he was deliberately looking for trouble, Jin Shu didn't even bother to look at him.

"If the leader allows it, you can go directly to the leader if you have any opinions."

"You think that because the general manager likes you, he can do whatever he wants here?

It seems you don't know what you have done!

Our entire R\u0026D department can only claim to use three kilograms of these rare materials a year. It's a good thing for you now, you've used up all the materials with just one model!

It's just the beginning of the year. Because of your stupid approach, the entire R\u0026D department has been in shortage of materials all year long. How should you be responsible for the waste of resources and stagnant progress caused by you? ! "

The other party's voice was high-pitched and his expression was stern, acting as if Jin Shu had made some big mistake that was related to the survival of the entire company.

If it were other new employees in the unit, they might be scared to tears now.

But Jin Shu was not scared, so she couldn't help but smile.

"Director, you need to understand why we can only apply for three kilograms of rare materials a year.

It’s not because the head office lacks this, but based on the research results of our unit, giving too much is a waste.

If I were you, I would be embarrassed to say the figure of three kilograms. Is it possible that the only requirement for being a supervisor is to be thick-skinned?

Okay, I know what you are going to say next. Don't say it, I don't want to hear it. If there is any punishment from above, the leader will notify me then. Save your energy and focus on your own research topic. "

Extremely arrogant! Selfish and unreasonable!

Relying on his beauty and ability, he just wantonly belittles his seniors here. This is not the first time the R\u0026D director has met such a person, but it is the first time he has seen someone as arrogant and arrogant as Jin Shu.

He couldn't even finish his angry words, and his face turned red, purple, and black. Jin Shu was not interested in seeing his change of expression, so she told him, "Supervisor, take care of yourself" and walked straight past him.

The supervisor had a sullen face, turned around and went to the corner to make a phone call.

Not long after, the general manager left the workshop with two visiting leaders sent by the headquarters.

Both of them were from the scientific research department of the headquarters, and they obviously came prepared this time. Unlike the casual stroll before, they walked directly to the independent workshop, and then stopped to look inside.

"What kind of research is going on here? Is there a need for an independent workshop?"

As soon as the general manager heard this, he immediately understood what these two people meant. He looked at the R\u0026D director who had been following silently not far away, and he understood deeply.

"This is a research project that our factory is currently focusing on cultivating. Artificial rain bombs are developed and led by new employees who have joined the factory. They have already achieved preliminary results. You two are here too, so why not go in and take a look."

The two of them stood outside with their heads held high and their hands behind their backs, took a look and then walked in.

After just one glance, the two frowned.

"What the hell is this? Isn't it just a waste of materials to make such a large model of the rain bomb?"

When the general manager heard this, a smile froze on his face.

"It's so big that it's easier for you to observe the details. You two, take a closer look at the details. It's quite perfect. You can take it to the head office for competition."

The two of them didn't want to look anymore, they just shook their heads and walked out, as if taking another look was a waste of time.

"How many years have I been in this industry? You can tell the quality of something at a glance. That thing looks okay but actually has no experimental value at all. What's wrong? Is it possible that she can really make such a large rainfall bomb? ?

Now all companies are trying to reduce the size of rain bombs. If you make them so big and bulky, wouldn't it be embarrassing to use them in competitions?

You are also considered the leader of the branch. You should not be too idealistic in doing things. We must be down-to-earth and study and cultivate some topics that are truly useful to our company.

I think the projects currently under your manager Zhao's hands are very good, and the head office also appreciates them. If you apply for the award and win the award, it will bring glory to you as the leader, right? "

First he belittled Jin Shu, and then he praised the manager. The meaning was self-evident, how could the general manager not hear it.

He didn't speak, just smiled helplessly.

The two people from the headquarters went to visit Director Zhao's research project again. After praising it profusely, they took a lot of photos and asked for a lot of information, and then they returned by car.

During this period, Manager Zhao casually walked up to Jin Shu and pretended to be casual.

"You are still too young. The world is not as simple as you think."

Compared with his pretentiousness, Jin Shu really looked calm.

"Only people like you think the world is not that simple. I think this world is very simple. As long as I am useful enough to this society, I will have everything I want.

Don't you think so? "

"I just think you are arrogant and don't know how to be humble."

"I am still very humble to those who are truly capable. If you think I am arrogant, that is your problem. Think about whether you are worthy of others being humble to you."

For the first time in so many years of working in the industry, the supervisor felt as if he had suffered a cardiac arrest, was short of breath, and was about to faint from anger.

He thought that after this beating, this girl would be able to understand the truth about the world, but he didn't expect that she could still be so arrogant!

"Okay, okay, okay, just continue to maintain this arrogant attitude! Let's see how long you can keep your words!

Also, there is a saying that I will leave here today: women will never be able to do any research! Your IQ is lower than us men. This is the result of scientific research! And you will get out sooner or later! "

This is not the first time Jin Shu has encountered this kind of inexplicable prejudice and malice.

But it was the first time she had seen someone with such a strong sense of superiority like him. (End of chapter)

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